The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 2, 1904


H. W. Rogers returned Sunday afternoon to San Angelo where he is now residing. He moved to that place from Coleman City about three months since.

People throughout the county are becoming interested in Marlin's Trade, Sales and Fine Stock Exhibition day, on next Monday June 6 and the indications are that there will be lots of folks hero that day.

When in Marlin visit "The Fair."

Miss Hirschfield who has been visiting friends in Marlin left Saturday afternoon for Waco to visit friends a week before returning to her in Little Rock.

H. A. Patton, Cashier of the First National Bank at Lott and Miss Eva Patrick were united in marriage at Waco last week.

The Marlin and Kosse base ball teams will "play ball" at the ball park here next Monday afternoon. These teams will put up a good game and the public will find it worth their while to see the game.

County attorney George H. Carter has returned from a visit to Col. J. J. Swan at Corsicana, having gone over to deliver an oration at the commencement exercises of the Orphans school.

Prices are always right on everything at "The Fair."

Don't forget the Tom Thumb, Wednesday at the court house on the evening of June 14 as it will be one of the prettiest affairs in the history of Marlin Admission only 25 cents.

There is a movement on foot to organize a base ball team in Marlin to play during the coming season.

See us before buying hay ties, binder's twine and machine oils. Nash, Robinson &; Co. 14-3t

Water coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Stone Crocks, at "The Fair."

R. A. Chapman, Jr., of Sherman has returned to Marlin after a visit home.
We carry a complete line of tin ware, Glassware, Graniteware, Notions, Stationery, Cigars, etc., "The Fair."

Editor H. E. Willson of the Rockdale Messenger is in the city for the benefit of his health.

We want your trade, come to see us "The Fair." 

Dr. WA McAlpine, of Calvert, came up Wednesday afternoon on a short visit to his brother D. P. McAlpine.

Said a prominent merchant : - One of the things needed in Marlin is another artesian well and more bath house facilities. An independent company should be organized and a well sunk. It would mean a great deal for Marlin. 

A new hearing has been refused in the case of the I. & G. N. railway vs. A. Hall etal on appeal from this county to the court of criminal appeals.

Mrs. Lillie Frank Levi left Monday afternoon for Austin to attend the Sanger-Michelson wedding.

Agent F. S. Heflner of the I& G N is among those who believes that Falls county should have a county fair again, at least on a limited and economical scale, giving especial attention to the promotion or the Live stock interest. Said he: "The Taylor fair has wrought wonders in the way of promoting the live stock interest of Williamson county and the same can be done here."

Ladies who come to Marlin to do their shopping are invited to call at the Rest Rooms in the building former occupied by the Ladies Bazaar. This is a quiet cool place to rest for a few minutes. Plenty of ice water.

Jack Blackwell of Mooreville was here Tuesday to purchase a machine for killing boll weevils. Mr. Blackwell and his neighbors will fight the pest in every way known.

L. J. Owen and children came in Tuesday night from Arizona.

Mrs. John Humes of Houston and Miss Verna Davidson of Reagan were visiting in Marlin Sunday.

Arrangements are being made to have a "County Roping Contest" on Monday June 6th. This no doubt will bring a number of people in town who would not otherwise be interested and will prove an interesting feature of an interesting day.

The remains of the four year old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who died Friday night, were taken to Cleburne Saturday for interment Sunday afternoon. The child was ill but one day conjestion being the cause of death. The parents have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.

The committee from the city council met with alike committee from the Commissioners court on Thursday afternoon and perfected arrangements where by Marlin citizens doing business in fire district may connect with the county sewer for sewerage purposes at a nominal price for the privelege.

A crowd of about fifty young people, chaperoned by Mrs. Luther Stewart were entertained at Mrs. E. M. Eddins Friday evening until a late hour with flinch, pit and other amusements. Mrs. Eddins served delicious refreshments of cream and cake and all reported having a delightful time.

Get ready for Marlin's first sales day-Monday June 6. There will be lots of people here.

It is the plans of the committee of the city council having the matter in hand to lay sewerage pipes in the alley on the north of Live Oak street and also in the alley on the south of said street and west of Commerce street, connecting same with the county sewer. This will make connections with the sewer from the business districts convenient and economical. 

Talk up the trades sale day. Properly taken advantage of this will be one of the best things ever proposed for Marlin.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.