The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 9, 1904


Miss Ida DeBardeleben left Friday for Austin to attend the commencement of the state University.

Water coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Stone Crocks, at "The Fair."

J. M. Hackney of Las Vegas, N. M. is in the city for several days. Mr. Hackney is engaged extensively in the stock business at that place.

Mr.and Mrs. C. A. Norwood and daughter left Saturday morning for Mineral Wells where they will remain some time for the health of Mr. Norwood.

Gray Little, of Troy, came in Sunday night to be present at the stock show Monday. Mr. Little reports crops in excellent condition and prospects fine around Troy.

See us before buying hay ties, binder's twine and machine oils: Nash, Robinson & Co. 14-3t

Hon. W. F. Adams of Fayette county is ill the city for the benefit of his health which is improving very rapidly now. Mr. Adams has served several terms in the legislature from his county.

Chairman John J. Foster of the 11th Senatorial district has called a meeting of his committee to assemble in Waco on June 14, to arrange for nominating a candidate for senator from this district. The flotorial committee will meet in Marlin on June 9, for a similar purpose in the flotorial matter.

We want your trade, come to see us "The Fair."

The tennis court at the public park is quite a popular place for amusement now. Nearly every day finds parties including in this popular pastime.

Mrs. W. W. Lang and Miss Chase Lang of Oak Cliff are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Watson.

Lawrence Hopkins of Gonzales is visiting Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Lenoir.
Mrs. W. T. Perkins and daughter, Miss Reba of Palestine are visiting in the city.

Prices are always right on everything at "The Fair."

Walter Gardner has been, in Austin several days on business.

Mrs. W. T. Perkins and daughter, Miss Reba of Palestine are visiting in the city.

Prices are always right on everything at "The Fair."
Walter Gardner has been in Austin several days on business.

Miss Minnie Barton of Itasca is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wells.

When in Marlin visit "The Fair."

The oat crop in West Falls is said to be something immense
and the grain is bringing good prices - 36 to 40 cents per bushel. One farmer sold 4000 bushels and another 6000 at Lott for the former price. It does not take an expert mathematician very long to figure out that this beats raising cotton and beats it badly.

We carry a complete line of tin ware, Glassware, Graniteware, Notions, Stationery, Cigars, etc., "The Fair."

Capt. Jack Harris, former division superintendent of the I. & G. N., is in the city. 

THE democratic county convention meets Saturday. The indications point strongly to an instructed delegation for Parker.

WHY not ask our candidates for the legislature how they stand on the occupation tax? There is no harm in asking questions.

THE Houston street car strike has given the negroes of that city an opportunity to "play even" with the white folks. The city council passed a separate car ordinance for whites and blacks and a boycott ensued. the negroes establishing a system of back line. Now the negro hack owners won't let the whites ride in their vehicles except behind a cardboard partition.

THE occupation tax law is a species of double taxation and the quintesence of class legislation. The democratic theory of taxation is that it shall be "equal and uniform," that the burdens may rest alike on all. The tax on occupations was first exacted under the administration of E. J. Davis, and has been permitted to remain for no other apparent reason than that the legislatures were afraid its repeal would prove unpopular with the agriculture classes. But this, we believe, would not be the result as the farmers of Texas are broad-minded enough to see the injustice in taxing one class of people and not taxing all classes. Repeal the law.

Maj. H. P. Jordan of Waco was here Tuesday on business.

Peacock & Stuart, proprietors of the Arlington bar, have an attractive place for the best grades of goods. They will be pleased to have a share of your patronage. See their "adv."

The City board of equalization composed of C. T. Curry, Wm. McComb and A. Y. Curtis, met Tuesday and are passing upon the renditions of property made to the city assessor.

George Frank calls our attention to an error in the statement that Sol P. Frank, who is to be married soon in Chicago, a brother of his. Due apologies are hereby tendered.

Census Taker J. D. McPherson has completed the school census for the Marlin school district. He finds 431 white children and 256 colored children within the scholastic age.

About twenty-five parcels of city property were sold on Tuesday by Sheriff Greer, to satisfy judgments held by the city for taxes due the city. The property was all taken over by the city.

Miss Marian Clarkson has returned from Nashville.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.