Typed and spelled as written:

Kay Cunningham




The Marlin Democrat

Fifteenth Year   Number 19

Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 7, 1904




     Miss Suda Stuart and Mrs. C. A. Cox of Durango are spending the week in Marlin, guests of Mrs. M. D. Williams.


     Mrs. A. B. Cowser and Miss Mary Louise Cowser of Dallas are visiting in Marlin.


     We can fill all orders for cotton seed meal.  A new car just received. Nash, Robinson & Co.


     Joe Watkins of Rosebud is a recent addition to the clerical force of W. M. Gunnell's store.


     C. L. Fannin has acquired an interest in the Bethesda bath house property and will become manager July 1.


     Maj. Nick Stallworth, who was operated upon a few days since for cancer, is doing nicely now and will be moved from the Rice-Allen infirmary soon.


     At The Arlington: - E. L. Howard, Houston; J. Deter, Gatesville; C. F. Woods, San Antonio; Alford Cohen, Memphis; Clayton Webb, Texas; J. M. Sellers, Mart; D. Simons, Texas.


     C. F. Woods of San Antonio, who is traveling passenger agent of the Queen & Crescent railway, is in the city on business for his road. 


     The picnic scheduled to be held at Bryant's tank today was postponed on account of the death of Garland Bryant's baby which occurred yesterday. A number of candidates started to the picnic but turned back upon learning of the postponement.


     Sheriff Sharman and family of Liberty county are among the visitors.  Mr. Sharman will leave his family here for some time for the use of the hot water.


     Mrs. Leita Goodrich has returned to her in Dallas after a visit to Judge and Mrs. L. W. Goodrich.


     If you are needing pasturage for a bunch of stock, see F. E. Hailey.  He has surplus grass and plenty of water.              20  4t


     FOR SALE: - Seed oats, June corn, barley, wheat both Mediterranean and Nicaragua. Apply to L. W. Goodrich, at La Serda.


     The boll weevils are working on the cotton while A. O. Bowdon works on the watches.


     B. B. Cooley of Chilton bas been appointed jailor by Sheriff Greer.


     The DEMOCRAT is not responsible for anything that may be contributed to these columns by another.


     The pupils of the 7, 8, 9 and 10th grades will get their promotion cards, if they will call at the school building Friday July 8, between the hours 3 and 4 p.m.


     W. A. Noble of Rogers formerly of this county, was in the City Monday on business.  His daughter, Mrs. Willie Brehm, returned with him Tuesday.


     Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dickey have returned to their in Waco after a visit to Judge and Mrs. L. W. Goodrich.


     Mr. A. B. Hodges and family came in Monday from Palestine and will spend a month here.  They are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith.


     Monday was a pretty fair day for Marlin merchants. One firm had a big run on shirts and it is understood sold aboutl 400 and other goods in proportion. So much for "going after" business.


     Mrs. John A. McNabb, Jr., and Miss May Trammell, of Houston, arrived Sunday afternoon to be guests of Mrs. McNabb's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Clinton.          


      Mrs. B. L. Taylor received a message Sunday stating that her mother Mrs. Bowers, was quite ill at Blevins.


     Mrs. J. M. Baigier and children are visiting at Dripping Springs.


      L. E. Allen has returned from Dallas where he purchased for account Allen-Curry lumber company, a handsome up to date plate glass front for the Branson building soon to be tied up for a dry goods store.


     Capt. G. A. King attended the reunion of Tom Green's brigade at Jacksonville.  He carried along with him a silver watch which he purchased from Capt. Pete Hardeman in 1862.  The time piece is still running on regular time.


     Ira Keeland and Henry Ingram of Kosse were Marlin visitors Saturday and Sunday.


     Andrews Relph came over to visit Marlin Sunday from Cego.


     S. H. Fetner and wife of Mart are here for the health of Mrs. Fetner.  They are stopping at Mrs. J. W. Cook's.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.