Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 4
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, August  14, 1902

       The Marlin and Ice and cold storage company has been chartered by the secretary of state's office.  The company is chartered fro $20,000.  The officers of this concern were published in the Democrat some time since.

       Misses Minnie Nunnelly and Helen Gill are visiting relatives at Otto.

       Mr. M. G. McEntire, agent of the I. & G. N., has returned from an extended visit to Colorado and Salt Lake City.  He was accompanied by his family.

       F. B. Bratton and son Calvin G. were in the city Monday.

       Jim Tomlinson and Shields Key have received a consignment of two hundred and eighty-four goats from the piney woods which they have placed on their ranch west of the river.  They now have over five hundred head and expect to develop quite an industry of this kind.  They will export the products of their ranch to foreign lands.

       The petty thieves that operate in Marlin have recently been turning their attention to the stealing of sacks from parties who happen to have them on hand.  Nash Robinson & Co. and James Sutherland have both lost quite a number in this way.  The operators will steal from one party and sell to another.

       A wedding occured in the store of George Frank Saturday afternoon.  Monroe Jefferson and Dora Foster being the high contracting parties.  Rev. M. A. McNees, who works for Mr. Frank adjusted the nuptial knot and commanded the groom to salute the bride.

       The neighboring town of Kosse is getting a street fair and carnival and expects to make it a brilliant success--and they no doubt will.

       Constable J. U. Richey of Lott passed through the city Monday with a prisoner whom he arrested at Kosse.

       The commissioners court met Monday in regular session, a full board being present.  The first two days of the session have been devoted mainly to the examination of accounts.  W. A. Martin was appointed Justice of the Peace in precinct No. 8 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of R. L. Byrd.

       The entertainment given Monday night by the advertising car of the Texas State Fair was one of the best that has been given in Marlin in quite a while.  The biograph moving picture show was a success in all respects.  The show as free, for the purpose of advertising the forth coming session of the fair.  An unusually large crowd was present.

       Jurorman Lee Farmer's wife was taken very ill and he was notified Monday morning just before a verdict was reached in the Graham case.

       The Houston Chronicle of Saturday contains the first of a series of letters from H. D. Wood on the lawyers in the old 13th district of an early date in Texas.  An extended reference is made to Gen. Tom Harrison and Col. Chas Stewart, both deceased, who were practicioners at the Marlin bar in anti-bellum days.

       Marlin moved to the front by paying 11 cents per pound for her first bale last Saturday.  That town recently decided to display some energy in the way of advertising.--Cameron Herald.

       Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Malone will reside at Sheffield, Ala., after September lst.

       Miss Bertha Hutchins of Waco is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W M Gunnell.

       E. S. Woodhead of Houston who has been visiting Harry Shelton has returned home.

       Dr. H. A. Steadman, of Crowley, La., is visiting his collegemate, Dr. A. H. Foster.

       Hon. John Archer Read of Houston is in the city for a few days.  He is with the legal department of the I. & G. N. Railway.

       Miss Alma McKenney of Stranger is visiting in the city.

       Mr. and Mrs. Maxey and daughter attended the Baptist meeting at Moreville (sic) yesterday.

       Hunter Clark after a few weeks stay in the Indian Territory returned Saturday night.

       Mrs. Lovett who has been visiting Mr and Mrs Geo. S. Cousins has returned to her in Calvert.

       Mrs. H. H. Perry of Hearne and Mrs. McEntire of Bremond are visiting Mr and Mrs G. M. Herring.

       Miss Ethel Bowman who has been visiting Mr and Mrs H. C. Crawford returned Sunday to her in Mooreville.

       M. D. Williams has purchased the Mrs. F L Judd place located between Coleman and Live Oak street, the consideration being $1600.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas