Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 2, 1907

       Mrs. Z. I. Harlan is visiting at Everman.

       Miss Maggie Gill is visiting in Hillsboro.

       F. S. Heffner has returned from a visit to Dallas.

       Miss Davis of Reagan is visiting Mrs. B. C. Clark.

       Mrs. Z. I. Harlan has returned from a visit to Everman.

       Mrs. C. W. Adams is visiting her mother in Clarendon.

       Mrs. E. R. Wheelock has returned from a visit to Waco.

       J. T. Davis of Waco was a visitor to Marlin Friday afternoon.

       Miss Cobb of Corsicana is a guest of Miss Constance Harlan.

       Miss W. A. Rumble of Bremond is visiting Mrs. W. B. Murphy.

       E. W. Marshall and Landon Harris of Waco are here on business.

       Walter Gardner has returned from a visit to his son, Charles, at Austin.

       Judge Bowen has returned to his in southwest Texas, after a visit to Marlin.

       Cotton movement toward the compress is light just now, even for a short crop year.

       Mrs. W. A. Rumple has returned to Bremond after a visit to Mrs. W. B. Murphy.

       Miss Eunice Shaw left Saturday for Milford to attend the Texas Presbyterian college.

       Frank Clark went to Houston Saturday to resume his studies in the Texas Dental college.

       A. S. Haber of Waco has been appointed administrator of the estate of I. J. Sawyer, deceased.

       Mrs. Couter has returned to her in Fort Worth, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. S. Sims.

       L. P. Russell went to Dallas Wednesday night to enter Allie N. in the races for the Dallas Fair.

       The market business, fixtures, ets., (sic) of the Wise market have been sold to White and Davis of Itasca, who will open up the same Oct. 1.

       Copusins & Schuh, at Ed Nicholson's old stand, buy cottonseed and pecans and pay top prices.  See them before you sell.

       Miss Mary Robinson has returned to her in Bryan after a visit to relatives in Marlin and Waco.  Miss Robinson was recently elected to a position in the Waco public schools.

       For Sale--Bottom farm of 100 acres, two miles from Marlin and a nice residence in Marlin.  All for $10,000.  See J. W. Hoke, the land man, over Marlin National Bank.

       T. G. Streins of Denison is a visitor to Marlin.  He and Albert Levy were together on the Texas business men's excursion to Chicago and are recounting the pleasant incidents of that trip.

       Parties wanting to sell good farm property should not fail to see J. W. hoke, the land man over Marlin National Bank.  List your property with him.

       G. M. Wise has returned to his in Coryell county after a visit of several days.  Mr. Wise is a brother of the late E. L. Wise and was here assisting in winding up the business of his brother.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas