Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 30
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 4, 1907

       Miss Jeff Pringle has returned from visit to friends at Thornton.

       Miss Bettie Stallworth has returned from a visit to Houston and Galveston.

       Misses Davis and Wilman have returned to Reagan after a visit to friends in town.

       See the advertisement of Eddins and Taylor, the new real estate firm in this issue.

       Dr. J. C. Shaw has sold his office and medical fixtures to Dr. E. B. Jones of Granger.

       Dr. F. B. Sewall left Saturday (missing) return to Mexico after a visit of several weeks in the city.

       Mrs. T. C. Westbrook has returned to her in Lorena after a visit to relatives in Marlin.

       Mrs. Dean, who was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hoke, has returned to her in Kosse.

       Mrs. J. B. Carr has returned from a visit to Mangum.  Her sister, Mrs. S. E. Echols, accompanied her for a visit.

       Paul Calvert has returned to Brownwood after a visit to relatives, Mrs. S. R. Oltorf and family in Marlin.

       Dr. B. G. Ward and John Branson paid Temple a visit Friday night in their automobiles.  They returned at 3:30 a.m.

       S. O. Burns from Mott was assessed a fine of $1 and costs in county court on a plea of guilty for disturbing the peace.

       R. Tatsch and family have moved into the Cook house on Coleman street, formerly occupied by W. J. Lemm.

       Charley Lloyd and family are from several weeks visit to Fresno, California.  Charley says that California is a fine country, no doubt, but as for him old Falls County, Texas is alright.

       E. M. Eddins and Ben Taylor have formed a partnership in the real estate and loan business, under the name of Eddins & Taylor.  They are listing a number of choice pieces of property and will be pleased to have the public call upon them at any time they may desire to buy or sell, to borrow money on real estate or vendors lien notes.

       Maj. Charles Dean, the youthful conductor on the H. & T. C. has been taking a lay off of several days and he and his wife have been in Galveston.  The Major came through in citizens clothes Friday afternoon and his most intimate friends had some difficulty in recognizing him until he laughed.

       Monroe Brady, a negro living in the bottom, is in the toils of the law on a charge of whipping his wife.  The woman alleges that the negro beat her with a china pole.  When arrested, Brady was taking it easy, sitting under a big umbrella while the women folks were doing the work.

       The Marlin compress will start up for the season on Wednesday, Sept. 4.  There are now several several (sic) hundred bales in sight and all arrangements have been completed for the start.  The press will be in charge of L. N. Lee, who succeeded Mr. Tankersley, as manager.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas