Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 2, 1907

       Mrs. F.P. Nettles is visiting relatives in Mexia.

       Miss Minnie Smith is visiting friends in Dublin.

       T. B. McQueen has returned from a visit to Dallas.

       J. F. Lane of Wootan Wells is in the city on business.

       F. L. Schumpert has returned to Dallas after a visit to Marlllin.

       E. M. Easterley and wife of Bremond are visitors to the city.

       John B. Cavitt is spending a few days in the city for recreation.

       Representative Bartlett has returned from a week's sojourn at Austin.

       Mrs. T. H. Barton of Fort Worth is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Barton.

       Mrs. Singer is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Fannin at Denton.

       T. L. Stuart of Waxahachie spent Sunday in Marlin visiting a brother, W. A. Stuart.

       For Sale:  250 acres of land partly in city limits and partly just outside.  See W. S. Clark, Marlin, Texas.

       The Marlin Oil Co. will start their mill in a day or two.

       Fresh turnip seed, all varieties in bulk at Smith Drug Co.

       C. T. Moore of Ennis is with the repair department of Threadgill & Peterson.

       O. E. Dubose came up from Bryan Monday afternoon on a business mission.

       Miss Florence Hunnicutt has returned from a visit to frineds in Oklahoma.

       From North Texas, a car of fancy Red Rust Proof seed oats. Nash, Robinson & Co.

       The honorable city council will meet in regular monthly session Wednesday Oct. 2.

       Miss Evelyn Rice is a member of Miss Sunshine Dickson's wedding party in Palestine.

       Miss Willie Davis has returned to her in Reagan after a visit to Mrs. B. C. Clark.

       R. C. Downs and mother, Mrs. E. D. Downs of San Augustine are visitors to Marlin Monday.

       Misses Jarrott and Price and Mrs. R. H. Dees of Kosse were visitors to Marlin Monday.

       W. M. McKewen, treasurer of the State Barbers board is spending a few days at home.

       I offer my entire possessions for sale.  T. D. Harlan, Reagan, Texas.

       Sam Hunt, a well known cattle man of Fort Worth, has returned after a visit to Marlin.

       C. M. Smith and wife have returned to their in Lufkin after a visit in Marllin.

       Feed your horse White Wolf Stock Food.  It will fatten.  Sold by Nash, Robinson & Co.

       Wanted--A first class solicitor to take subscriptions for publications.  Expenses guaranteed.  See Allen City Drug Co.

       Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kyser of Riesel were visitors to Marlin Monday afternoon.

       Mrs. C. L. Robertson has returned to her in Reagan after a visit to her sisters, Misses Baker.

       Hogs Wanted--all sizes and shapes, ages and conditions.  See Reeves and Kay.

       Charley Springer of Enid, O. T., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carr.  Charley is with the Frisco at Enid.

       See T. J. Kemper for North Texas red seed oats.

       E. R. Yarborough has returned to Marquez after a visit to Marlin for his health which is much improved.

       Section Foreman John Rogers reports I. & G. N. tracks in better shape than they have ever been, but very dry and dusty.

       J. W. Hoke received information Sunday of the death of his sister Mrs. Mattie Kidd at Madisonville and left at night to attend the funeral Monday.

       Permits to Wed: 

       Dennis Kellins, Pearlie Williams;
       Lee Williams, Bella Johnson;
       Jesse Chism, Ovenia Murphy;
       Sam O'Neal, Pearly Hawkins.

       G. A. Pringle, superintendent of the Rosebud schools was here Sunday.  His school has been running two weeks this session and everything is moving along nicely.

       Dr. L. Werblun, optician of San Antonio, who makes regular visits to Marlin will be here at the Rice-Allen Infirmary October 14 and 15.  Examination of the eyes free.

       Austin Fant, against whom a complaint has been pending for several days for obstructing the sidewalks, plead guilty to the charge Monday and was fined $1 in the corporation court.

       O.T. Bitner of Crockett, who visited Marlin for rheumatic trouble in August, is here now to begin work for the Marlin Grocery Company.

       The school elections held on Sept. 21 resulted as follows:
       District 44, for abrogating the tax 11, against abrogating, 0.
       District No.7, tax reduced to 5 cents.

       Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Maffett returned Sunday from San Antonio where they have been for several weeks for the benefit of Mr. Maffett's health.  His friends are pleased to know that his health is much improved.

       The new secret joint band bracklet, in bright and Roman, plain and chased, will be the vogue this fall and winter, we have just received an assortment of the latest designs in solid gold and gold filled.  Spawn's next to Postoffice.

       For Sale:  Six work mules, See Fred Woodland, Reagan, Texas.

       High Moseley and John Phillips, large planters of the Maypearl section, were here Sunday after cotton pickers and secured about twenty.  They state that the crop is about half the yield of last year.  The price paid for picking is 60 cents.

       Miss Mary Carlton, daughter of H. A. Carlton, living near Reagan was bitten by a copperhead snake while pecan hunting last week and suffered a great deal before the poison could be counteracted.  Se is now recovering nicely.

       There is a fine opening in Marlin for a denatured alcohol plant of modest proportions as a beginning.  The new law on this subject permits of the manufacture of denatured alcohol which is a good substitute for fuel purposes.  There is practically an unlimited supply of raw material in this county that is going to waste.  With a plant of this kind this waste product could be turned into cash.

       Saturday's issue of The Democrat contained a four page advertisement for the well known firm of Curtis & Co.  This is the largest advertisement ever carried by a Falls county paper and it reached more people than any paper ever issued in the county.  The "ad" shows some splendid bargains and the wise purchaser should save that copy of the paper and take it to the Curtis store when they come to town so that they will know in what department of the store to find the bargains they want.

       Judge Dashiel was called hence from his blissful communion with Morpheus Saturday night at ten o'clock to perform the marriage ceremony between a couple of colored "high society" folks from Lott.  It was a genuine case of running away though both parties swore that they were of age and that there were no legal objections to the match.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas