Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 10
Marlin, Texas,Thursday, May 2, 1907


       James E. Hackett of Fort Worth spent Sunday in Marlin.

       Mrs. Emma Parker of Waco visited friends in Marlin Sunday.

       Mrs. A. F. Tomlinson of Lott was a visitor to Marlin Thursday.

        Mrs. and Mrs. B. C. Clark are from several weeks' visit to St. Louis.

       Mrs. W. E. Hunnicutt has returned from a visit to relatives in Fort Worth.

       The cases of Sam Pierson, Joe Smith and Banks Martin were continued in county court.

       Jim Tomlinson and his pair of black drivers spent several hours in the city Sunday.

       Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Barton have returned from their bridal trip to San Antonio and the coast cities.

       Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Pool have returned from a visit to their in Cameron.  They are at the Fannin.

       R. C. Robertson, one of Kosse's leading citizens, is taking the baths in Marlin.  He is more than pleased with results.

       City Marshal Polk Hedrick of Corsicana was in the city Monday afternoon enroute from a visit to his mother at Lott.

       If you want to buy property don't fail to see J. W. Hoke, the agent, over the postoffice, Marlin, Texas.

       John F. Tax and wife are here from Clarendon on a visit to A. Polster and wife.  They will probably reside in Marlin.

       Judge L. W. Goodrich of Marlin is in the city today.  He is well known in Waco and has many friends here.--Waco Times-Herald.

       Miss Leatrice Lenoir, accompanied her grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Lenoir, on their trip to Louisiana and Mississippi.

       Permits to wed:  E A Gibson, Florence Beck: Wm Wood, Beulah Ruddell; James Taylor, Rena Wallace; Louis Zronek, Johanna Vitek.

       A. E. Hander of Stamp, leaves this week for (faded out) Germany and several other countries in Europe.  He will be gone several months.

       Captain and Mrs. Jas. L. Lenoir of Reagan are visiting W. T. Lenoir and wife.  They leave this week for several months visit to Louisiana and Mississippi.

       Hon. Geo. F. Burgess and wife of Gonzales are here to spend several weeks.  Mr. Burgess is an influential member of congress and a good friend of Marlin.

       W. J. Steele, who is feeding cattle for the markets, received a shipment of 430 steers from Beeville Friday.  He expects several more cars in a few days.

       Charley Jones, who came up to attend the Jones-Hill wedding, left Friday for the Rio Grande country whee he holds a job as draughtsman in an engineer's office.

       C. H. and George King have served notice on M. A. McCreary to vacate the building now occupied by him as a restaurant.  The case has been set for hearing in Judge Dashiell's court on May 8.

       J. W. Stuart has returned from a visit to Sutton county where he spent several days with his brother T. L. Stuart.  T. L. lives on a 20,000-acre ranch which he owns, and is doing well.

       Sam Kaiser of Houston is visiting Mrs. Kaiser, who is a guest of the Arlington.  Sam is an artist and for five years did the cartoon work for the Houston Post.  He is now in business for himself.

       Representative Will Crockett of Washington county is enjoying a few days rest in Marlin from his legislative duties.  He resided here 27 years ago and recalls many incidents and familiar faces.

       Dan Eddins of Mart visited his parents in Marlin this week.  Dan is one of the employes (sic) of the I. & G.N. shops at Mart and is now in the brass finishing department.  He holds a good job and fully deserves it.

       Joe Garrett is here from Corpus Christi for a few days, visiting relatives.  Joe is engaged in the real estate business and has secured many investors in the Corpusand Banquette country.

       The Central Texas Presbytery elected Rev. J. A. Montgomery of Marlin and Edler J. E. Cooper of Georgetown delegates to th(e) General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church, which meets in Birmingham, Ala, on May 16.

       Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stallworth of Lott were visiting in Marlin Sunday.  They will move to this city in the near future and erect a handsome residence on a lot recently purchased of J. W. Spivey and which lies between the Lewellyn and Gunnell residence on Agnes avenue.

       J. W. Hoke, the hustling land man can be found over the post office any old time ready to show you bargains in real estate or to list your property for sale.  He also represents a number of the best insurance companies and can place your business in this line, safely and satisfactorially.

       E. W. McKenzie, who has been a periodical visitor to Marlin, for several years, is with us again.  He is now located at Fort Stockton, quite a distance from Marlin, but not too far to keep in touch with the greatest mineral water on earth.

       Wiley Davis says the Kosse-Corsicana baseball games were "rotten."  First game scored 10 to 4, second, 11 to 0 in favor of Corsicana.  However, an Odd Fellows picnic with plenty to eat and fervid oratory recompensed him, in a measure, for the trip.

       J. E. Wells, who has had charge of the undertaking department of Rush, Gardner & Bartlett Co. for several years, has resigned and will move to Bryan.  He is succeeded by D. Denning of Mexia, who is here to begin work on May 1.

       The negro, Coleman, arrested on the charge of extracting $30 from Dorsey Brown, entered a plea of guilty in county court and was assessed $25.00 fine and one day in the cooler.  The bicycle he bought with a part of the money, is in possession of Sheriff Poole.

       Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gunnell left Thursday afternoon for Baltimore, in response to a telegram from Mrs. D. S. Maffett saying that Mr. Maffett was much worse.  He has been in a sanitarium for  two months and had been doing splendidly until recently.

       Members of the Central Texas Presbytery occupied the pulpits at the Methodist and First Baptist church Sunday and Sunday night, also the Presbyterian church.  It was Mission day at the Baptist church and about $500 was contributed at the morning and evening services.

       Said an observant citizen:  "There is no town in Texas where the public is offered better inducrements to trade than in Marlin.  The stocks carried here are large and kept up to date: the prices are as low as good goods can be sold at and the patrons are treated with the utmost courtesy and consideration."  And he spoke the whole truth.

       An Italian couple from Highbank were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Catholic church at 8:30 Saturday  Father B. C. Pfiffner officiating.  The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of Italians.  The event was appropriately celebrated in the manner customary to their nationality.

       The Western Union Telegraph company is to have a new wire service at once.  The commercial wire of the I.& G.N. will be cut in at Marlin, which will give the Western Union direct connection with Fort Worth and Dallas, obviating the necessity of relaying messages intended for those points through Galveston.

       The remains of Tom Jones, aged 25, arrived Sunday night from Maypearl.  Deceased was a son of the late J. L. Jones, who resided in Marlin at one time a number of years, and a brother of Wm Jones, who lives near Stranger.  He died Sunday morning after an illness of ten days.

       Take your eggs, Chickeens, Ducks, Geese and Guineas to D. L. Warlaw, Reagan, Texas. He pays teh highest prices for same.  When you have Cotton or Cotton Seed for sale, see him before selling.  He buys anything the farmer has to sell.

       J. P. Kearby of Dallas county is listed among the the visitors to Marlin.  He is a prosperous farmer and resides near the Dallas-Fort Worth interurban.  He says that it is the greatest convenience to the farmer ever devised, as it enables him to get to town and back while he would be getting ready and hitching up before the interurban came.

       The work of putting in the telephone system at the new Majestic hotel has about been completed.  The hotel will have 35 phones, one for every room, and will be one of the few thus equipped in the state.  The work is being done by L. C. Kelsey of the equipping department of the Southwestern Telephone company at Dallas.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas