Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Note: There are 2 Articles here from the same paper. kc

Eighteenth Year - Number 14
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 30, 1907
Local Happenings.

       Will A. Cain of Kosse is visiting C. W. Bratton.

       Miss Alleen Hotchkiss returned Tuesday from Georgetown where she has been attending Southwestern University.  She is with her parents at the Methodist parsonage, where she will spend her vacation, returning to Georgetown in the fall.

       The electric light plant has been in trouble for several days as a result of the pranks of lightning Friday night.  The lights in a dozen houses were burned out and with other trouble galore the manaagement (sic) has not yet been able to get to all places needing repairs.


       The street working force are effecting some needed improvements on Coleman street between Winter street and the H.&T.C.  The sewer in front of the Arlington is being repaired.  At this point the sewer will not carry off the water during a heavy rain and much damage has resulted.


       Joe McClelland of Odds was circulating on our streets Thursday evening and performing slight o' hand miracles.  Joe is an entire team, but says he thinks the government has about finished him.  He is preparing to deliver his goods, lands, chattels, etc., the state whenever McDonald wants it.


       Hon. C. J. Bartlett has returned from Austin where he went on official business.  While there he was informed that Gov. Campbell filed a veto message to the bill increasing the powers of the state revenue agent and providing him with two deputies.  This is one of the measures that precipitated a hot fight and considerable fillibustering during the last days of the special session.


       Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Herring are visiting in the city.  They are on their way at Mt. Calm from Alabama where they have been on a visit.  Mr. Herring reports that in some parts of that state there have been excessive rains which did much damage.  The railroad tracks in some places were washed away for several miles while in many localities the people are unable to plant corn.


       During the electric storm Friday night lightning struck a tenant house owned by G. W. Buchanan and occupied by a negro family.  A large sized hole was knocked in the roof and a portion of the flue torn away.  The negro man woke up out in the yard but the woman said she didn't have time to get scared.  No further damage to property is reported, but reports of heavy rain over the county are still coming in.


       The name of W. W. Turner has been sent in to the weather department of the government as the volunteer weatgher observer of this station.  Mr. Turner saw in the Democrat where Postmaster Emerson wanted a volunteer and he at once tendered his services and he will be appointed.  The observatory will be located on the third floor over the Marlin National bank, which is a splendid position from which to take observations.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas


Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 14
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 30, 1907
Local Happenings.

       Mrs. J. R. Lockard is visiting relatives in Beaumont.

       Mrs. Jackson of Mexia is visiting her sister, Mr. Dunkum.

       C.C.Morris and family have returned from a visit to relatives in Moody.

       County Clerk R. W. Phillips and family have returned from a visit to Rosebud.

       Otey McKnight has returned to Rotan after a visit to his parents in this city.

       Mrs. I. L. Wood of Otto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wrenn.

       New matting to the extent of about 100 yards is being put down in the court house.

       Mrs. Fannie Horne and son Edwin are visiting the Jamestown exposition.

       Mrs. Corbett Locke has returned after a visit to her mother Mrs. Fannie Horne.

       J. H. Barnett, Falls county's popular tax accessor, is from a business trip to Rosebud.

       P. C. Byrne and family and W. T. Price went to the river on a fishing expedition today.

       Mrs. Conoly and daughter, Mrs. Zenas Bartlett, left Wednesday on a visit to relatives in Caldwell.

       Lee Bradshaw of Otto is preparing to move to Big Springs in Howard county where he will reside.

       Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hamblen who have also been visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. Sewall returned to Houston on Sunday.

       For Sale--Young mules and two good milch cows.  Fred Woodland, Reagan, Texas.

       Miss Annie McDaniel, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.  Geo. Cousins, has returned to Jewett.

       Our stock of lumber is complete and our prices as low as you can get.  Estimates carefully figured--Nash, Robinson & Co.

       Geo. Nettles returned Sunday from Georgetown where he has been attending Southwestern University.

       W. T. Norwood is making some additions to his residence in east Marlin.  A Lamb is the contractor.

       I am continually in the market for hogs, all sizes at market value  Any day to bring them to town.
                                      I. N. Conyers.

       Miss Sybil Woodland left Monday for Galveston where she will spend several weeks with friends and relatives.

       A son of Henry Vann, who lives east of town, fell from a horse Sunday afternoon and sustained a broken leg.

       George Nettles has returned to Georgetown  where he will attend the summer school of Southwestern University.

       Mrs. H. H. Hawkins and her daughter, Arleigh, who have been visiting Mrs. Ledford at the Fannin, have returned to Austin.

       Miss Lucile Reeves, who has been attending Radnor college in Nashville, returned Friday afternoon.

       In the corporation court Orange Williams was up for drunkenness, to which charge he plead and was fined 100 cents.

       Roy Eddins reached Saturday afternoon from A. & M. college which was dismissed on account of an epidemic of typhoid fever.

       The Baptist Sunday school wil (sic) have its annual picnic on Tuesday, June 5, at Big Sandy bridge on the Marlin and Groesbeck road.

       One plea of guillty was entered (i)n the County Court Friday.  Will White for theft under the value of $50 was given $5 and one day in jail.

       A. J. May, day operator for some time at I. & G. N., has been transferred to a (sic) another position with J. W. Byers at Waco.  W. M Wilson of Mart succeeds him.

       E. M. Dorsey of Alton, Illinois, is a visitor here.  He is interested in a number of financial institutions in his state and Missouri. He will remain here several days for the baths.

       Rev. O. T. Hotchkiss is back from the Commencement Exercises of Southwestern University at Georgetown and will hold prayer meeting to-night at the Methodist church.

       E. E. Kyser was over from Rosebud Saturday and Sunday.  Mr. Kyser says crops are in fair condition in that section, though the cotton is not so good on account of the heavy rains.

       Miss Ethel Powell has resigned her position as teacher of the Highbank school on account of illness, and Miss Pauline Allen was elected to teach out the unexpired term.

       Fleetwood Kay is slowly recovering from a serious indisposition caused by exposure recently while on a Pullman sleeper.  Mr. Kay narrowly escaped pneumonia.

       Hon. Geo. F. Burgess, who has been a visitor to Marlin for several weeks, is attending the state bankers association at Corpus Christi.  After the convention is over he will return to this city.

       The storm of Saturday night which struck Cameron, missed Rosebud and touched Travis.  Two churches were blowned off their blocks while several residences were more less damaged.

       Cards have been issued announcing the marriage of Miss Shirley King to Mr. Arthur O. Bowers, Wednesday, June 5, at nine p.m. at Methodist church, Marlin, Texas.

       The case of Jones & Hunter vs the Marlin Horse company, pending in justice court, was continued until next term.  Similar orders were made in a number of other cases.

       There will probably be a month of revival meetings in Marlin during the summer.  The Methodists and Baptists are both arranging to hold meetings, in the order named, to being some time in June.

       The Baptist ministers of Falls county will announce, in a few days,  a general camp meeting at Durango, to begin on Tuesday night following the first Sunday in July.  All the Baptist pastors of the county will take part.  The program will be given out later.

       Take your Eggs, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Guineas to D. L. Wardlaw, Reagan, Texas.  He pays the highest prices for same.  When you have Cotton or Cotton Seed for sale, see him before selling.  He busy anything that farmer has to sell.

       Hon. W. C. Davis, member of the legislature from Brazos county, was in the city Tuesday to see his mother, who is here for her health.  Mr. Davis is mentioned as a possible candidate to succeed Judge Hardy in the Sixth congressional district.

       Judge Rice and W. J. Finks left Sunday for Virginia to see the Jamestown exposition.  Judge Rice goes by Lynchburg where he will be joined by his daughter, Miss Clio.  They will visit Washington before returning.

       Artesia Camp, Woodmen of the World has received an invitation to attend an unveiling and decorating service in Galveston on June 9.  An interesting program, including addess by a speaker of state reputation is announced.  The railroads will give special rates.

       J. W. Hoke, the hustling land man can be found over the post office any old time ready to show you bargains in real estate or to list your property for sale.  He also represents a number of the best insurance companies and can place your business in this line, safely and satisfactorially.

       Thos. Visser of Madisonville, who has previously been connected with the First National Bank there, has accepted a position with the Marlin National Bank.  Mr. Visser brings the best of recommendations.

       The Waco Morning Star is the name of a new publication that made its appearance Wednesday.  The Star has a creditaable appearance, editorially and mechanicaly (sic).   It is published by the Star Publishing Company of which H. B. Terrell is president and A. M. Kennedy is manager.

       At a recent meeting of the Reagan Board of school trustees Felix J. Turner was elected principal.  Mr. Turner is a Falls county teacher being raised at Durango, and has taught several years at Cego.  The people of Reagan are to be congratulated upon securing the services of Mr. Turner.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas