Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham
NOTE: Some places of this paper was faded real bad. kc

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas   Thursday, October 22, 1903


Mrs. W. H. Allen is teaching the grade of Miss ???bett who is ill.

Mrs. E. A. Davidson of Oklahoma City is visiting her sister Mrs. Mattie Quaid.

J. Cluck Fountain wants to find the party that stole a lot of loaded shells from his buggy.  The officers are working on the case.

Mrs. A. J. Smith has gone to St. Louis with her daughter Mary who will be placed under treatment of an occulist for a serious affection of the eye.

Special fund of $10,000 to lend in one or two sums.  Also any amount of regular money always on hand to lend at low interest and long time, pay as you please.
d4t-w4t      J. T. Somervell

For Sale.--My place in Reagan, located near Methodist Church.  Convenient to school building.  A bargain.  Address, P. H. Yancy Mart, Texas, or apply to H. T. Rogers, Reagan, Texas.

The city has purchased two acres of gravel land from Mrs. E (or F) Nettles the consideration being $400.00.

Pretty soon the town clock will be keeping good time all the time.  
A. O. Bowden has ????? "That's the time."

J. G. Buckholtz and Father Heinzelman of Westphalia were in the city Tuesday en route to San Antonio to attend an executive meeting of a Catholic society in session at that place.

D. J. Barnes, tax assessor of Falls county says Ann is 16 years old.  Try again Mr. Barnes.

Sheriff Greer went to Otto today to sell the Forke stock of merchandise.  The Sheriff was expecting an injunction to be served upon him sued out by Waco parties who to put the business in Federal bankruptcy.

At the Fannin--E. A. Stewart, Waco; H. P. Irvine, Mart; W. DeLatimer, St. Louis; J. E. Stone Waco; E. M. Wells, Dallas; E. J. Gurley, Gurley, Jno S. Murphy, Taylor; Mrs. B. Myers, Hearne; H. A. Craig, Italy, T. F. Borfield, Houston; Bernard Lee, Palestine.

At the Arlington--w. DeLatimer, H. M. Hubbard, St. Louis; Mat R. Roberts, Dallas; J. M. Kerwin, Galveston; B. E. Sellers, St. Louis; Walter Gregg J, Waco; P. A. Heckmann, Temple; C. C. Irvin, Waco.


      Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.