Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 51
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, November 16, 1907

       Mrs. T. C. Westbrook of Lorena is visiting relatives in Marlin.


       Miss Ethel Finks has returned from a visit to friends in Waco.


       A permit to wed was granted to Hermann Nehring and Miss Minnie H. Krause.


          Mrs. P. J. Siguor of Little Rock is visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. H. M. Bryden.


       W. M. Martin, justice of the peace of Precinct No. 8, has resigned and Ben E. Clark has been appointed to fill the vacancy.


       Misses Jeffie and Una Pringle went to Thornton Wednesday afternoon to attend the funeral of W. L. Cannon.


       LOST--One pair spectacles in black leather case.  Finder return to Smith Drug Co, and receive reward.  207-1t.


       MULES FOR SALE--Six good farm mules and Studebaker wagon  Apply to J. T. Stubbenfield, at saw mill at Jones Switch, I. & G. N., south of Marlin.   47-sw-tf.


       Jim Troup, a well known potato grower who lives near Lott, is marketing much of his crop in Marlin this year.  He is making about $60 per acre on his sandy land farm and thinks that is very good--better than taking chances on cotton.


       Some suits in sequestration are being brought to recover judgments against parties for money or supplies advanced.  A trip to Robertson county for this purpose was made by the sheriff Tuesday and on Wednesday Deputy Watkins was out on similar missions.


       Messrs. J. W. Jones, Ed McCullough and G. L. Williamson of Mooreville are in the county seat on business.  These gentlemen say that the upper western half of Grand Old Falls is serene and happy.  Williamson says that the Paradise birds still find Mooreville to be their natural abiding place.


       Tax Assessor Jim Barnett, who recently returned from a business trip to the Panhandle country, says there is considerable cotton yet to pick out there.  The yield is very good as they no boll weevil or other pests in that section this year.  The disposition to hold for higher prices is about the same there as in other parts of the state.


       Mrs. C. B. Monday has received a nice assortment of Louisiana oranges from the grove of an uncle on Calcasieu parish.  The oranges are well matured and of fine flavor.  Louisiana, like Texas, is capable of producing many fruits not hitherto tried extensively and which are now imported from other states and countries.


       Captain Amundensen, a hardy Norwegian explorer, will attempt to reach the north pole with polar bears as aides instead of Esquimo dogs in 1910 under American flag.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas