Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 54
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, November 27, 1907

       Mr. and Mrs. John M. Young of Lorena are visitors to Marlin.


       FOR SALE--Good cord wood at $3.00 per cord at yard east of Marlin.  A. C. Bradshaw.       50-2t


       Miss Minnie Alexander and father, J. Alexander, have returned from a visit to San Antonio.


       C. Z. High, R. M. High and Miss Mary High of Durango were visitors to Marlin Saturday.


       J. R. Sharp of Lorena bought a good family mare in Marlin last week that was well worth the price.                                54-1t.


       Union Thanksgiving services will probably be held at the Methodist church Thursday.


       The Modern Woodmen are preparing to have a banquet and reception on Monday night next.


       Chas. Bailey and Samuel Levy have returned from Calvert, where they went in the interest of Hanford.


       LOST--Grey waterproof overcoat with pair black gloves in pocket.  Finder return to J. L. Lenoir, Marlin, Texas, and receive reward.  50-2t.


       W. T. Fannin came in from Denton Tuesday and went out to Stranger to see his brother, W. O. Fannin, who is very low with pneumonia.


       E. Landrum of Lott was a buyer at the Marlin Horse Market last week.  He got a pair of good farm and brood mares that looked cheap.


       E. L. Owens and C. P. Jones of Bruceville were here Saturday on business.  They report very muddy roads in that section.


       J. P. Bolin of Durango was a Marlin visitor Saturday.  Mr. Bolin is an enthusiastic member of the Farmers' Union.


       FOR RENT--Good farm on Keichi, east of Marlin, 230 acres in cultivation, good tenent houses and plenty of water.  Apply to Tom Connally, Marllin, Texas.                                               50-2t.


       Mrs. Geo. S. Cousins is visiting in Calvert.

       A. J. Matthews of Gonzlaes (sic) is visiting friends in Marlin.

       Miss Gussie Lee Boyle of Waco is visiting friends in Marlin.

       The city is preparing to file a batch of delinquent tax suits.

       Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Schmoyer of New Salem are visiting in Marlin.

       Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stringer are visiting in Mt. Vernon, Texas.

       W. S. Rogers of Ennis is with the Marlin Oil Company as engineer.

       Thanksgiving turkeys are numerous now and they bring good prices.

       Mrs. J. G. Oltorf has returned to Dallas after a visit to relatives in Marlin.

       Mrs. A. W. Flinn has returned to Reagan after a visit to Mrs. W. C. Rogers.

       J. F. Parks, one of Bryan's representative business men, is in Marlin for a brief visit.

       T. R. Boney and W. G. Bryant of Bellfalls are in Marlin.  They say that the roads from Bellfalls to Temple are something fierce.

       Permits to wed:  John V. Liles, Stella Deer; Wm. Edgar La Fon, Mabell Lee Cabaniss; Chas. H. Nance, Mary Carpenter; Robt. Fowler, Lucinda Cain.

       Mrs. W. S. Wall of Houston is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Shaw.  Mrs. Wall is just from the meeting of the Federation of Woman's Clubs in Waco.

       The estimated gin record of Falls county for this year is 30,000 square bales and 3,000 round bales.  This is 15,000 bales less than the same time last year.

       Rev. J. L. Russell, superintendent of the Rescue at Waco; is in Marlin in connection with his work.  He says that nineteen have been admitted to the since January 1.

       It is beginning to transpire to the world that Marlin leads all others as a training ground for the knights of the ball and no doubt more than a hundred will be quartered in Marlin during next March, not only for training, but to take a "boil out" preparatory to the opening of the season.

       Judge W. P. Dashiell was called to the Goodrich ranch to perform the nuptial ceremony that bound together for weal or woe two descendants of Montezuma.  The contracting parties were Hilaria Chavez and Eusobia Varila.  The ceremony took place at 10 o'clock Saturday.

       Mrs. John Threadgill of Oklahoma is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Threadgill.  Mrs. Threadgill is one of the leading club women of the Southwest and is the president of the Federated Clubs of Oklahoma.  She was in attendance upon the Texas Federation of Woman's Clubs at Waco and delivered an address before the assemblage.  Mrs. Threadgill formerly resided in Texas and is therefore quite at in the Lone Star State.

       The merchants of Stamford have issued letters and mailed same to the farmers and customers of the trade territory advising them that they have the money with whch to purchase the cotton and that the local banks are in fine shape and able to lend the merchants money for the purchase of cotton.  This plan is to bring about the movement of cotton.

      Dr. G. C. Rankin, the head and front of the Texas local option movement, puts blame on Senator Bailey for interfering with the movement, by defending "personal liberty" in his San Antonio speech.  In substance the divine says: San Antonio is the personification of Babylonian freedom and a parable for a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, a place where Bacchus holds undisputed sway over the lives and hearts of the populace.  Sunday merry-making is the order of the Sabbath, and horse betting is indulged to the limit in fair time.  In the view of all Puritans, San Antonio is said to be the limit of civic uprighteousness, and a godless town.

       Miss Rosalie Battle is in Calvert to attend the marriage of Miss Mildred Durst to James A. Giraud, which takes place there Wednesday.  Miss Battle is one of the bridesmaids.

       Farmers are holdingon to their cotton for higher prices and A. O. Bowdon is holding on to the watch repair trade of Falls county because he does the kind that holds on.                                         54-tf

       The motion for a new trial in the Hunter & Jones vs the Marlin Horse Co. case was overruled by Judge Boyles Friday afternoon.

       The Woodmen of the World will have a specially important meeting Thursday night next and request that all members be present promptly at the appointed hour.

       Nash, Robinson & Co. are having the interior of their office repainted and rearranged.  The spirit of improvement is manifesting itself to a very marked degree with that firm.

       Sheriff Poole went (to) Ross Sunday and brought back Frank Lucas, who is wanted here on a capias profinem to liquidate a balance due on a fine assessed against him on a charge of assault and battery.

       Constable Wm. Kumnow of Otto flushed a bunch of gamesers near that place Saturday afternoon.  Henry and Cal Stamford are arrested and the constable is in quest of a number of others.

       W. F. and C. L. Fannin and Mrs. O. E. Curry went out to Stranger Sunday to see their uncle, W. O. Fannin, who is very ill with pneumonia.  He has been ill for about ten days and his condition is critical.

       The M. E. conference, colored, for the Waco district, convenes in Marlin Thursday, with Bishop Burke presiding.  The ministers' board meets Wednesday.  The sessions will be held in the M. E. church of that race.  Several hundred delegates are expected.

       Ray Caton, a youth who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sanders, received a broken leg Saturday afternoon while playing "leap frog."  One of the larger boys fell on the leg, breaking it just above the ankle.

       Before leaving for conference at Houston, Rev. O. T. Hotchkiss arranged with Judge Z. I. Harlan to hold lay-services at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.  All are specially invited to hear him.

       The Mexican population have monopolized the license issuing department of the county clerk's office this week.  The following permits have been granted: Antonio Ynoscencia, Gertrude Martinez; Julio Ynoscencia, Agrelia Mejia; Hillari Chavez, Eusobia Varila.

       James Hicks, night clerk at the Arlington for several years, leaves Wednesday for Houston, where he goes to take a similar position with the Maccatee hotel.  Mr. Hicks leaves numerous friends in Marlin who will wish for him joy and prosperity in Houston.  He is recognized among hotel men as one of the most reliable men in the service.

       Papers from Pittsfield, Mass., bring notice of the death of Mrs. Abbie Goodrich Cooley, sister to Judge L. W. Goodrich of this city.  Mrs. Cooley was a visitor to Marlin about two years ago and is most pleasantly remembered by acquaintances formed while here, to whom the news of her death causes deep regret.

       The Marlin Masonic lodges have not as yet elected representatives to the grand lodges at Waco next week.  In the absence of an election, the legal representatives are authorized to attend.  They are:  For the Master Mason lodge:  F. P. Hutchingson, J. W. Gregg and W. F. Doughty, W. W. Hunnicutt being a member of the commitee on work of the Chapter Masons, will go up Monday.

       Charged with counterfeiting, a white man was arrested by Detectives Maddox and Cone and Police officer Perry in Fort Worth.  On his person was found six silver counterfeit dollars, and small change amounting to over $15.  The coins were all dated 1882.  The police have had evidence that counterfeit money was afloat and being passed in Fort Worth for the past several weeks, and members of the detective department have been making a diligent search for the offender.  Officer Perry was passing Walkup's drug store late one night, when he was called on the inside and the matter called to his attention.  The man was standing on the sidewalk in (missing) and was pointed out to the offi(cers.)


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas