Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty First Year - Number 14
Marlin, Texas, Monday, May 18, 1931

Briefly Told

       Permits to wed:  Lorenzo Morgan and Lurene Anderson, J. A. Causby and Maurine Olinger.

       The choir of the Episcopal Church will meet at 8 tonight for rehearsal instead of Thursday night.

       The meeting of the Central Texas Inter Odd Fellows Association
scheduled at Temple tonight has been postponed to Monday night, May 25.

       Mrs. J. K. Alton of Humble and Mrs. E. M. Berry of Houston are visiting Mrs. H. E. Wrenn, who has recovered sufficiently from recent accident to be moved home.

       Miss Fan Read Buie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. N. D. Buie, who suffered an internal injury last week in a fall while playing, is reported making progress toward recovery.

       Mrs. W. M. McComb has as guests Mr. and Mrs. E. K. McComb of Pamona, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Saladin and daughter of Anson, and Miss Charlene McComb, a student in Baylor College at Belton.

       L. A. David, assistant general manager of Missouri Pacific, with headquarters at Houston, arrived Sunday in his special car to remain several days for rest and recreation.  O. J. Brown, former division superintendent, now superintendent of terminals in Houston, was due to join him here this afternoon.  Mr. Brown comes also for the baths.

       Returning Sunday night from Ranger whee he addressed a district American Legion convention en route from the West Texas Chamber of Commerce meeting at Lubbock, Senator Tom Connally of Marlin will go to Temple Tuesday for sessions of the Texas K. of P. grand lodge, of which he is a former grand chancellor.  He will deliver commencement addresses at Midland Thursday and at Kerrville May 27.

       Installation of officers by Mrs. John Maxwell of Waco, 9th district president, who will also make a talk, will feature the final session of the 1930-31 school term of the Marlin Parent-Teacher Association in the music room of the elementary school building at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon.  Everyone interested in the work is invited.  The executive committee will meet at 2:30 p.m., preceding the meeting.

       Eugene Hailey, chief clerk of the supply division of the San Antonio air depot at Duncan field, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hailey of Meeker, Okla., where he is director of the department of vocational agriculture in the high school, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hailey, whose daughter, Mrs. Ted Collier, leaves Tuesday for New York where she will board a ship for Buenos Aires, her husband having been transferred from Montevideo, their former home, to Argentina.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.