Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham


The Daily Democrat
Thirty First Year Number 179
Saturday, November 28, 1931
Briefly Told

Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Storey attended funeral services for his grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Storey, at Union cemetery Friday afternoon.

Thomas Goodrich, a student in A. and M. College of Texas, is at for the Thanksgiving holidays and has as his guest Ralph Rinn of Yoakum.

Payment on street improvement work in Marlin for the week ending Friday afternoon aggregated $1434, all paid to Marlin workmen, contractors and gravel owners.

Miss Elizabeth Sorenson of Corpus Christi came over from Baylor College, Belton, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Misses Alyce Fae Steele and Aline Fowler.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keigwin had as Thanksgiving holiday guests M. L. Allday and family of Eldorado, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Smith and Mrs. Clarence Frost of Houston and Mrs. E. F. Kavanaugh of Waco.

Abilene High school coached by Dewey Mayhew, former Marlin gridiron mentor, won over Cisco High school by a score of 34 to 13 for the district football championship at Abilene Friday afternoon.

T. J. Kemper and daughter, Mrs. Lela Davies and children have returned from Galveston and Houston where they spent the Thanksgiving holidays with W. R. Kemper and W. L. Kemper and family.

Miss Glendine Belson, who is attending the University of Texas at Austin, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays at and has her guest Miss Hazel Lyons, of Grand Forks, N. D., a law student in that institution.

W. T. Eldridge, prominent Sugarland citizen returned today after a visit in Marlin.

Miss Evangeline Chatmas student in University of Texas is spending the week end at home.

Mrs. W. F. Doughty came up from San Marcos for a visit in Marlin during Thanksgiving holiday, the guest of Mrs. J. A. Dunkum.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Peters of Mart spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmore.

Mrs. W. H. Matthews and Miss Minnie Eskew have returned from a Thanksgiving visit in Brownwood.

Mrs. Alice Eddins Geyer has returned to her in New Orleans after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Eddins in Marlin.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.