Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number  Missing
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, November 10, 1931

Briefly Told

The city council meets in regular session tonight at 7:30 o'clock.

Oscar Davis of Big Hill is reported resting well after an operation in a Marlin institution Monday.

The Wednesday Matinee Musical Club will meet Wednesday afternoon
at four o'clock in the of Mrs. H. L. Chilton.

The Marlin Library Study Club meets Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the lecture room at the Majestic-Annex hotel.

The condition of Miss Vivian Penny, injured in an automobile accident early Sunday, was reported unchanged this afternoon.

After an extended stay in the of his daughter, Mrs. F. P. Goddard, Edward Bennett has gone to California where he will visit relatives.

Billie Brothers, 10-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Brothers of Stranger, had recovered sufficiently to be taken Monday following
an operation in Marlin last week.

Mesdames W. G. Dunkum and R. E. Portele are representing the Marlin Parent-Teachers Association at the annual convention of the Texas
Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Association in San Antonio this week.

Just a word to our fire chief and the dear fire boys who gave us real service yesterday morning when fire started in the drying room at the Marlin hat and tailor shop.  We also want to thank the business men for their services rendered," reads a communication from Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Bradberry.

Congressman O. H. Cross of Waco will be the principal speaker on an Armistice Day program at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Lott High school auditorium, sponsored by Morgan Currie post No. 58 American Legion of that city, whose members attended a similar affair in Marlin last year and have invited members of Falls county post No. 31 of Marlin to join them this year while an invitation is extended to the public in general.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.