Typed as spelled and written -
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 105
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, September 2, 1931

Briefly Told

The cotton market closed today 13 to 14 points down from Tuesday's final quotations, New York October closing at 6:78.

Senator Tom Connally of Marlin was on the program for an address at the opening of the Atascosa County Fair Association at Pleasanton today.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith and Mrs. R. C. Burleson have returned from a visit with relatives in Willis and Houston.  They were accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Branden, a sister of Mrs. Smith.

Groves Good, secretary of the state Y. M. C. A. boys' work, who was in the city today from Waco, stated the camp for the Waco district would begin at Valley Mills Thursday.

Rev. O. W. Hooper and family have returned from a visit to Shreveport.  While gone, Mrs. Hooper indulged in fishing in the famous waters of the area visited, and was quite successful in angling for the white perch.

Mrs. R. L. Norwood, Mrs. H. E. Hipps and Miss Elsie Prebles went to Waco today to meet Miss Mary Beth Norwood, returning from a trip during which she studied in Spain and toured other European countries this summer.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.