Typed and spelled as written
Lena Stone Criswell

(Note: The front page is intact.Other pages in pieces but are of the
same date as nearly as I can tell-lsc)

Thirty-First Year - Number 104
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, September 1, 1931

Briefly Told

       Troop No. 37 Marlin Boy Scouts meet in Memorial Cabin at eight o'clock tonight.


       J. Lee Harlan has begun construction of a handsome residential on Chilton street.


       The Workers Council of the First Baptist Sunday school meets at the church at 7:15 o'clock tonight.


       Miss Mary Frances Ward of Reagan will sail Saturday from Galveson for New York City, where she will spend the summer.


       George Adam of Marlin, who has been attending the University school of medicine at Galveston, was a recent visitor home, returning to Galveston where he has employment for the summer.


       Miss Sue Jones of Hope, Arkansas, is a guest in the J. T. Somerveil home.  Miss Jones is a daughter of the late Senator J. K. Jones, who served his country with distinction in the national congress.


       Five white applicants and two negroes took teacher examinations at the Falls county superintendent's office today, continuing through Saturday, in charge of Mrs. Lura Neal of Lott and Miss Annie Smith of Chilton.


       Officers of Marlin chapter No. 26 Order of the Eastern Star will be installed by Mrs. Birdie Easterling, past worthy grand matron, at a meeting in the Masonic Hall at 7:45 o'clock Monday night.  Refreshments will be served.


       J. M. Wilson, secretary of the Falls county Farm Bureau, and Sam Kyser of Marlin have returned from Weslaco, where they attended a regional Farm Bureau conference, sessions being devoted to organization work among farmers producing various commodities.  Another regional meeting will be held at Lubbock in September.


       Murphy Allison, who has been attending the University of Texas medical school at Galveston, left for Memphis, Tenn., on a visit this week.  He will be accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Sidney Allison, returing from Annapolis, Md., where she attended commencement exercises of the United States Naval Academy, from which her nephew, James Murphy, was graduated this year.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.