Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 86
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, August 11, 1931

Briefly Told

       A message received in Marlin today stated the body of Henry Anderson, who died in Las Vegas, Nev., Monday, would arrive here Friday.

       Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Chambers and children have returned from Denison where they were called on account of the illness and death of Mrs. Chambers' father, C. B. Williams.

       Mrs. Fred Murphy and sons, Fred Murphy, Jr., of Brinkley, Ark., and Mrs. Lawrence Bradley and two children of Clarksville, Ark., are guests in the Sidney Allison home.

       Rain caused postponement of the basket picnic planned at the L.-G.N. lake Monday afternoon by members of Marlin chapter No. 286 Ordere of the Eastern Star, celebrating the anniversary of Robert Morris, founder of the order.

       "Marlin has certainly shown wonderful improvement," declares Abe Silverman, back in his old town for the first time in 17 years, a guest of his father, Mr. S. A. Silverman.  After leaving Marlin, Mr. Silverman resided in New York City and more recently has been engaged as a traveling salesman in Oklahoma.

       Falls county post No. 31 American Legion will entertain members of the auxiliary at their meeting place, second floor of the city hall, at eight o'clock tonight.  Husbands and wives of members of the two organizations have been invited; also relatives of deceased world war veterans.

       A hearing was  tentatively set for four o'clock this afternoon in Falls county district court on the motion of F. W. Grochoske, constable of justice precinct No. 6, given two years on conviction of murder in connection with fatal shooting of W. A. Rowe at a dance hall near Otto last spring.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.