Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 16
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 13, 1907
Briefly Told.

       Col. Edward Butler thinks so well of Marlin that he is considering the sale of some of his St. Louis property, that he may spend half of each year in the great hot water city.


       Luther Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamb of this city, writes from Norfolk that he and his comrades anticipated a great time at the Jamestown expedition.  Luther is a member of Uncle Sam's marine guards and his company is with the ship "Georgia."


       A special bargain in a seventeen jewel Elgin or Waltham movement, twenty year case at M. E. Chambers & Co., the jewelers.


       Visitors and homefolks, too, are welcome at the park.  It is only those who dance that pay the fiddler.


       Hon. W. M. Imboden, editor of the Austin Statesman, is a visitor to Marlin.  He will remain in the city several days.


       Ralph Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rogers, who formerly resided in Marlin, is spending a few days in the city from Dublin.


       Judge Dashiell went to Brushy Tuesday afternoon to hold an inquest over the remains of the son of Gus Simmons, killed by a horse.


       W. L. Falconer, one of the pioneer Johnson grass and alfalfa men in this section, reports a very fine yield of alfalfa this year.  Says he has about fifteen acres that will average two tons per acre to the cutting.  His Johnson grass always yields well.


       C. K. Dunlap, traffic manager of the S.P. Ry. Co., arrived in the city today from Houston, in his private car "Texas."  Colonel Dunlap is accompanied by his family and they will remain for several days.  They are guests at the Arlington.


       For Sale--One of the best black land farms in Falls county, ten or twelve miles from Marlin.  Makes over a hundred bales of cotton a year.  Good crop this year.  Price for land $8,000; with crop, $9,000.  See J. W. Hoke, over Marlin National bank, at once.


       Investigation into the killing of Weiser, the German farmer, who was slain near Rosebud June 2, resulted in two Mexicans being implicated by the officers.  Both had an examining trial at Rosebud Wednesday afternoon, and their bonds were fixed at $500 each.


       August Niedball of Beaumont is here on a visit to his children who are residing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schuh.  Niedball recently lost his left leg under the wheels of a Southern Pacific switch engine in Spindle Top.  It was only a little while since his wife was killed in an explosion in the oil fields.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas