Typed by: Lena Stone Criswell



Thirty-First Year - Volume 52
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, July 1, 1931



                                                        BRIEFLY TOLD
Commissioneers' Court was in session passing on claims and accounts
Mrs. and Mrs. W. C. Boykin of Dallas are visiting in Marlin today. Mr.
Boykin formerly was in the mercantile business in Marlin
J. E. McCandless of Clayton, New Mexico, is on one of his periodical
visits to Marlin. He formerly was a Texas sheriff in Dallas county.
Dr. H. E. Hipps left Tuesday for Dallas, where he will do special work
in orthopedic surgery in the crippled children's hospital and in Baylor.
Chester Tate, playing ball with the Reagan team received a sllight
injury to an eye in sliding in a game Tuesday. A gravel was imbedded in the
Johnnie Chatmas, F. W. Fink and Jack Chilton, who are attending a band
conservatory school in Dallas, arrived today account of the illness of
B. C. Bratton, Jr.
"Yes, the times are rather dull just now," said Judge B. C. Curry,
justice of the peace, this morning, Net Davis, deputy sheriff, made a similar
observation in response to the reporter's sterotyped query "anything new?"

Senator Tom Connally has returend from a visit to San Antonio.

Miss Lula Higgins has returned from a delightful vacation trip to
Mrs. A. C. Arrington and children of Anson are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Percival Eddins left today on a visit to several points in Louisiana
and Mississippi.
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Fannin of Dallas came down Tuesday for a visit with
relatives and friends.

Mrs. Gene Herring and daughter Billigene have returned from a three
weeks visit with relatives in Emory.

J. R. Hunnicutt, U. S. Customs Inspector at Eagle Pass, and wife and
son, are visiting relatives in Marlin.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young and daughter of Brownwood have been visiting
in the of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Matthews.

Miss Mary Louise Allen of Washington, D.C., has arrived for a visit
with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Allen, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Criswell and Miss Myrtle Criswell have returned
from San Marcos where they visited Miss Mary Criswell who is attending summer
school at the normal.
Misses Marguerite Collier and Sara Bartlett have gone to Houston for
several weeks stay at Camp Te-has. Misses Vera Dean and Katherine Steele
will also go later on, for the last two weeks of the camp.

Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her Volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.