Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 2, 1907
Briefly Told.

       Our Optical Parlor is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Call and have your eyes examined free by a graduate optican.  Next to post office.


       Luther Stewart who has been with the firm of Nash, Robinson and Co. has been transferred to the Waco house of the same firm and went to Waco today.


       Mrs. Matilda Miller has returned to her in Lake Charles, La.., after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Monday.


       Mrs. S. E. Echols, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Carr has returned to her in Mangum, O. T.


       Dr. J. W. Torbett has returned from a three week's vacation spent in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other cities in the east.  He spent four days at Boston attending the meeting of the American Electro Therapeutic Association and enjoyed this feature of his trip exceedingly well.


       I. N. Conyers has just got back from Missouri with two car loads of horses, mares and mules that are now on the market here, they are all good ones, 3 to 6 years old, 15 to 15 1-2 hands and gentle.  Those wishing to buy such stock will find a good selection now in Marlin.

       Paying $19 for Cotton Seed.

       The firm of Cousins & Schuh are paying $19 per ton for cotton seed and want all they can get at that figure.


       Country produce bought and sold by Cousins & Schuh.  They pay the highest market price.


       Rev. E. L. Shettles and wife returned to Bryan Saturday after a short visit to Rev. and Mrs. O. T. Hotchkiss.


       The price of cotton fluctuates but A. O. Bowdon's repairing is the same, the best and at the right price always.


       Conductor Charles Dean of the Central is again punching tickets on that line.  Capt. Dean has been ill for three weeks which is a long time for him to be absent from this run.  He has been on the run for 28 years and his face and form are familiar to the public as no other employe's are.


       Wanted:  White woman to cook, wash and iron in family of three at Colorado City, Texas.  Apply to Ned Brown at J. P. Gardere residence, Marlin.


       The subscription list of our Twice-A-Week Democrat is growing, brother, growing.  The people appreciate a first class newspaper that prints the news and delivers it while it is news.  The price for the twice-a-week paper is $1.00 a year and at that price there are but few people who can afford to be without it.


       Mr. and Mrs. A. Bargainer of the Westside attended the services in the city Sunday and were accompanied by her mother, Mrs. E. E. Rogers, who has been attending upon her brother while he was ill.  She has also been visiting relatives in North Texas.


       July Shaw was assigned to apartments at the Hotel de Poole Monday night on the charge of assault.  July uncorked his wrath on his wife and when his daughter came to the rescue of her mother she too was struck by July.  However, in defending themselves, the two women gave July a good drubbing.  Altogether, the fight lasted three hours and until the officers arrived on the scene and quelled the disturbance.

School Books!  School Books!

       We have enough school books to supply every school in Falls County.  Allen City Drug Co.  - Marlin, Texas.


       Strayed:  Light dapple iron grey mare, 2 1-2 years old, about 14 1-2 hands high, weight abut 800 pounds.  Shod all around.  No mark or brand.  Foretop clipped close.  Will pay suitable reward for recovery.  Albert Hutchins, at W. M. Gunnell's store, Marlin, Texas.


       Hawks' famous optician will be here Sept. 26 and 27.  Examination of eyes free.  We sell the glasses if needed. Renfro-Martin Drug Co.

Just Unloaded a Car Shipment of
Which puts us in position to make you the lowest possible
price on Cisterns, Guttering, Cornice, Flues, etc.  We
also have a few Porcelain Bath Tubs on hand we bought
cheap and can afford to sell them the same if you will
come early.
Get our figures when in the market
for anything in our line if you would
stretch your dollars out
"The Hones Plumbers and Tinners"



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas