Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     August 25, 1931

Briefly Told

    Senator Tom Connally left Saturday night for El Paso where he will address the annual convention of the Texas department, American Legion.

    "Many great and wonderful sights here" write Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Betts from Yellowstone national park in Wyoming.

    G. S. Buchanan, grand outer guard to the Texas Pythian grand lodge, and E. C. Duke of Marlin attended a Pythian meeting at Waco Thursday night.

    As a Courtesy to Senator and Mrs. Tom Connally, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Linthicum, Sr., entertained with a dinner Thursday evening.  Covers were laid for ten.
    H. J. McIlhany, superintendent of Marlin schools, went to Stephenville to attend the funeral Friday of C. E. Ferguson, a friend of many years standing, who died in that city.

    Due to the illness of F. P. Goddard, father of Rev. F. P. Goddard of Marlin, Rev. and Mrs. Goddard will remain in Connecticut for several weeks.  The elder Mr. Goddard was operated upon August 18.

    Senator Tom Connally returned Thursday evening from Caddo Lake where he spoke on a program arranged by the East Texas Chamber of Commerce in the interest of establishment of a state or federal park in that region.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fullinwider, Miss Elizabeth Pullwider and her guest, Miss Laura Hatcock of Palestine went to Denton Monday for the graduation program at C. I. A., in which Miss Frances Fullinwider is majoring in library science.

    Sam Pharr, in town Monday, announced that a chicken dinner would be staged by the Blue Ridge Dairy Association at the school house Friday afternoon at six o'clock.  Preparations will be made for members and families and friends.

    Fourteen attended a family reunion at the J. T. Phillips in Marlin Sunday.  Out of town relatives present included J. F. Phillips and family of Dalhart, Mrs. F. H. Prideaux of Fort Worth, G. E. Phillips and family of Harlingen.

    Mrs. Floyd G. Betts and sons are here to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Powell, who is very ill at Buie-Allen Hospital.  Mr. and Mrs. Betts returned from New York City Wednesday where Mr. Betts has been attending Columbia University.

    Lloyd Coleman of Odds, injured several days ago when hurtled against a feed grinder while belting it to a tractor, had recovered sufficiently Thursday to be moved from a Marlin hospital, where he was under treatment, to the of his father, J. E. Coleman, in this city.

    Misses Mary Lee Freeman and Mabel Maude Reat arrived Thursday form San Marcos where they have been attending the summer session of Southwest Texas State Teachers College.  Three other Marlin students in that institution, Misses Virginia Karns, Edith Louise Barnes, were expected today.

Note: H. J. McIlhany is spelled McILANY.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.