Submitted by Robert L. Haddock




Marlin Democrat

Falls County, Texas

February 25, 1910






To The Democrat:


Well, I am back again after so long this time.


The health of Cego is not so well. We have been having lots of sickness. Mrs. Richardson is very sick at this writing, and Mesdames Martin, Relf and Lebrecht all are feeling bad.


Mr. and Mrs. Horton Miles of Durango visited friends and relatives last week.


Josh Hoffman and Grege* Cathcart of Eddy were in town Saturday afternoon.


Misses Alta and Merle Reynolds spent the afternoon with Misses Gertrude and Addie Lebrecht Sunday.


We had a horse show in town Saturday. All seemed to enjoy themselves fine.


Blake Farmer and Ell Jennings, Harris Johnson and A. M. Warrick of Blevins were in town last week.


Miss Ola Relf gave the young people an entertainment Saturday night. All reported a nice time.


We have organized a Sunday night prayer meeting. Everyone is invited to come.


We have been having some real cold weather for the past week.  Everyone seems like they would enjoy a little spring weather now.


Walter Relf is the proud possessor of a new rubber-tired buggy.


Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Upchurch of Mexico are visiting relatives this week.


Everyone should have a telephone put in, as they are the latest thing out, and especially a party line.


Our school is doing nicely, with about two hundred and fifty pupils enrolled.


Misses Mary and Zela Conaway visited friends and relatives at Long Branch Saturday night and Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Jess Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Willey Warrick are now citizens of Cego. We are glad to have them with us.


Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Burks of Dot visited friends and relatives last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Powell of Chilton visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Warrick last week.


D. Shotwell is on the sick list this week.  We wish him a speedy recovery.


I will close as I have written all I know at present.


With best wishes to the dear old Democrat and its many readers.



Should read ‘Gregg Cathcart’


                                                Y. I. K.