Submitted by Robert L. Haddock



Marlin Democrat

Falls County, Texas

February 25, 1910







To The Democrat:


The farmers are extremely busy now. Some few are still picking cotton, but will soon be through.


Corn planting time will soon be here.


Rev. Fitzgerald, the Falls county Baptist missionary, preached a very interesting sermon here Saturday night and Sunday.


J. C. Litteral is in Oklahoma City seeing after business this week.


Miss Myrtle Thomas returned to her in Taylor Wednesday after a week’s stay with Mrs. J. R. Young of this place.


Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Pratt were in Lott Saturday.


Ron Litteral returned Sunday after several month’s stay in Corpus Christi.


W.  I. Allen had business in Eddy Friday.


Mrs. Ola Meyer gave a birthday dinner Saturday in honor of Miss Ruby Smith. It was greatly enjoyed by all present.


Miss Mattie Brown visited folks in Eddy Saturday and Sunday.


Thedford Litteral and Roy Hairston went to Eddy Sunday.


A. E. Battle and family of Eddy visited relatives in Blevins Saturday night and Sunday.


Dr. Conley and Misses Ruby Smith, Edd Hairston and Willie King spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting in Temple.


Miss Floy Horton returned Sunday after an extended visit with relatives in Oklahoma City.


Will Pratt and Mitt Perry came in Wednesday after several days stay in Marlin.


Mr. Stockton was in our town in an auto last week.


Several of the boys attended the party at Cego Saturday night.


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pass Sunday afternoon.


Miss Ethel Jennings spent Sunday with Miss Ettie English.


Lee Harton spent Saturday night and Sunday in Temple.


Boss Camp of Waco was the guest of J. K. Young and Guy Perry last week.


Best wishes to the Democrat and its many readers.

