Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty First Year - Number 64
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 16, 1931


Falls County Old Settlers Begin Two-
Day Meet at Tomlinson

       One Confederate veteran, J. T. Hill, 84-year old resident of the New Salem community, answered roll call for men who wore the gray when the 1931 reunion of the Falls County Old Settlers and Confederate Veterans Association opened at Tomlinson Hill this morning to continue in session through Friday.
       He fought with Nathan Bedford Forrest, "the finest and the bravest general of them all," Mr. Hill told the assembly when he was presented. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hill enlisted in the ranks of the South from that state.  He has been a cripple since the war between the states as a result of an injury to his hip sustained during the conflict.
       From the large crowd attending the reunion came expressions of hope that some of the few other Confederate veterans still living in Falls county might attend part of the reunion sessions.  Passing of years has thinned their ranks rapidly and the hand of time has been laid heavily upon those who still live, thus explaining their absence from the reunion.

Formal Program Heard.

       With A. P. Tomlinson, president, presiding, the formal program for the reunion was carried out this morning.  Rev. A. W. Deguire, Presbyterian pastor of Lott, gave the invocation.  Choosing a historical  theme, Terry Dickens delivered the address of welcome with response in a similar vein by Mrs. Roy Levy of Chilton.
       Talks on pioneer days in Falls county were made by D. W. Stallworth and Judge S. R. Scott of Waco, and group singing was led by W. C. Kirkpatrick of Dot.
       Musical selections were given by an orchestra composed of Prof. Alois Slovacek of Waco, director; W. R. Rolfe and Alois Slovacek, Jr., of Waco; Chas. Goeke and Cornelius Clark of Rosebud, Geo. and Wm. Killen, Reuben and E. E. Sliva of Lott and Louis Holze of Riesel.
       Rev. S. D. Dollahite, Baptist pastor of Marlin, said grace when the basket dinner was spread at noon.
       The program continued this afternoon with features by school children slated to occupy Friday's sessions.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.