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By Lewis Cass Aldrich
Published 1889

Perkins is bounded on the north by Sandusky, on the east by Huron township, on the south by Oxford township, and on the west by Margaretta township. The township is generally level, but in some parts undulating and marked by several elevated ridges, which consist mostly of yellow sand. The principal one of these extends across the township in a southwesterly direction, ending at Bloomingville. The soil is very fertile and of great variety. The sandy ridges are adapted to all kinds of crops. South of the ridges are the prairies, composed of black alluvial earth, on which is grown mostly grain. In sections two and three, limestone soil abounds, and in some particular localities good clay for brick and tile is found. The ridge mentioned divides the prairie from the timber land. Part of sections one and four is prairie. stretching to the west with intervening groves of hickory and black oak. In the northern portion of the township was a dense growth of black and white walnut, maple, whitewood, black and white oak, linn, and several other kinds of trees. There are no marshes or waste land in the township, and it is considered one of the most productive in the Fire-lands. The township is watered by no very large streams. Mills Creek crosses section three and empties into the bay west of Sandusky. Pipe Creek, so called from a soft stone found in its bed from which the Indians made pipes, passes through sections four, three and two, and flows into the bay east of Sandusky. Another small stream, called Plum Brook, heads on the prairie, passes near Bogart, through section two, and finds its way into the cove. A large proportion of the land is thoroughly underdrained, and because of the high state of cultivation, being located near Sandusky, the value of the land is increased.
The original owners of the township were the Indians, whose title deed was their bow and arrow, and who had occupied it, lived, hunted, and trapped upon its grounds many generations before the white settler trod its soil. Among the different tribes who inhabited the Fire-lands may be mentioned the Delawares and Ottawas, which belonged to the Algonquin family, and the Wyandots or Hurons, and the Senecas, which belonged to the Huron- Iroquois family. As late as 1818 the township was dotted over with Indian wigwams. Near Bogart’s Corners was an unusually large encampment living on the farm now owned by A. N. Baker. At this date there still remained near the east line of the township twelve or fifteen buildings, composed of poles and bark, and in the northeast corner of section two the ruins of an old fort were seen. The walls, which were built of earth, measured about three feet in height, through which was an opening or gateway leading to a spring, the path of which had been worn to the depth of one foot. These remains have long since been leveled by the early pioneer. In different parts of the township relics of these tribes are found, consisting of the flint arrow-head, the charm, the battle axe and scalping knife; and in some instances skeletons have been exhumed. These were invariably hurried in a sitting posture, their faces turned westward. In 1887 some workmen, employed on the farm of Mr. A. A. Storrs, in making an excavation came upon six skeletons of Indians, some of which are well preserved. Near the south line and north of Bloomingville, on the farm now owned and occupied by Solomon Jarrett, there was recently unearthed an Indian grave, which had been covered by two large slabs of stone three feet long, the upper ends of which resting together and the lower ends apart. Between these there were ashes and charcoal, and on them lay a claw hammer, worn and battered. This, in all probability, had been either bought or stolen at the fort at Venice, which was occupied by the French or Indians two centuries ago. Of the descendants of the various tribes of Indians who inhabited this region, there is one living in the township, who is a daughter of one Muston, a chief of the Ottawa tribe. She is now the wife of Henry Bonnett, a blacksmith, of Bogart’s Corners. Her birthplace was Port Clinton, O., and her age is fifty-five years. Ogontz, the Ottawa chief, was well known in the region of Sandusky, which was his favorite hunting and fishing resort, and the early settlers of Perkins were frequently honored by his visits when on his hunting expeditions through the township.
The township derives its name from Hon. Elias Perkins, a resident of New London, Conn. Almon Ruggles< made the first survey in 1808. Huron county was created in 1809, and Perkins became one of its townships. Previous to the year 1810 no actual settlement had been made. It is true that one or two settlers were living within the limits, but they were transient and only remained a year or two. In the year mentioned above. Rev. John Beatty, then a resident of Connecticut, purchased of the Pire-lands company nearly all the land in Perkins township. After the purchase was completed, he in company with Thomas James,who wished to purchase land, started immediately for the “ Great West.” They traveled through the State of Pennsylvania where they were joined by James Forsyth, Mr. Beatty’s brother-in-law. Their line of travel carried them through Pittsburgh and Cleveland, which were only small villages. Travel at this early day was necessarily slow, as ox teams were the means of conveyance. After a long, tiresome trip, and many hair breadth escapes, the company arrived at Perkins. Soon after their arrival Mr. James bought land of Mr. Beatty in the south part of section four, and immediately built a log cabin, thus becoming the first actual settler. The next settlers were Christian Winters and John Freese, who arrived from Canada in 1812, and settled in the northeast corner of the township, and lived there many years. At the close of the War of 1812, Mr. Beatty, who had looked well over the township, selected Perkins as his future home. He accordingly removed his family to the township, accompanied by the following persons: Julius House, Jesse Taylor, Holly Akins, Roswel.l Hubbard, Harvey Covell, Eleazer Bell, Joseph Taylor, Plinney Johnson, Richard Christopher, William R. Beebe, and Joseph Taylor, jr. These all purchased land of Mr. Beatty, and erected log cabins on the ridge road leading to Bloomingville, and better known as “Yankee Settlement.” Descendants of these settlers are still living on the same farms, many of whom are quite wealthy.
After the colony became settled, a church society was organized, beginning with a class of fifteen members, which has continued to prosper for more than seventy years. Other settlers continued to arrive, and before a decade had passed, the township was well settled. The following are some of those who located: Fox, Tucker, Irvine, Rogers, Wickham, Allen.

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In the fall of 18ll Rev. William Gurley and family arrived on the Fire-lands, and settled in Huron county, on the edge of the prairie, in a log cabin near the south line of Perkins township. There was a peculiar freshness and novelty in a frontier life, as all who have been pioneers acknowledge. At this time there was no minister of the Gospel within fifty miles. Great was the joy of the settlers of the surrounding townships when they heard that a preacher had arrived. The announcement was made that Mr. Gurley would preach in the school house at Bloomingville on the following Sunday. The people living within ten or twelve miles assembled at the appointed time, and among them were several Indians, who came from curiosity. Mr. Gurley organized a class of ten members at the close, and this was the first sermon and society on the Fire-lands.
The surrender of General Hull at Detroit caused a stampede among the settlers, many of whom did not return till the close of the war. After the war a wide field of labor opened to Mr. Gurley, which extended nearly over the county. As there was much sickness and many deaths, he was called upon to attend nearly all the funerals. He often remarked, “What a multitude I have buried, and nearly all younger than myself” He continued his labors for twenty-five years, preaching his last sermon at the age of eighty nine.
The first marriage recorded in the township occurred iu the year 1871. The contracting parties were William Beebe to Minerva Bell, now the wife of General W. D. Lindsley, of Sandusky, and Joseph Taylor to a daughter of David Cummings, who had previously settled in Huron township. The first birth was Sydney, son of Plinney Johnson, and the second was Anna, daughter of Harvey Coveil, and late wife of Dwight Buck, of Toledo. After Mr. Beatty became settled, he had the land surveyed where Bogart now stands, and laid out in town lots, some of which were sold, but after a few years reverted again to their original owner.
In the spring of 1819 he commenced building a stone residence at Bogart, which is still one of the landmarks of the township, and was known for many years as the “half-way house.” It was occupied for many years as a tavern, and was well known in all parts of the country. Teamsters, in hauling grain to Sandusky from Mansfield and vicinity, used to stop there, and as many as forty teams have been seen in the yards in one night. The stage, in making its regular trips from Milan to Sandusky for twenty five years, also stopped there. In 1820 Beatty built the first lime and brick kiln, and the same year he erected the first saw mill on Pipe Creek, on section two, on the farm now occupied by the Erie County Infirmary. In 1817 he received his appointment as postmaster, this being the first in the township. He had one room in the stone house fitted as an office, and the boxes and desk still remain as they were when he distributed the mail to the pioneers. He also kept in the same buiiding a small stock of dry goods. The first blacksmith shop was erected by Mr. Johnson on the ground now occupied by F. Siegel. Bogart, even at this early day, aspired to become something higher than a mere cross roads. Rev. William Gurley kept a shop in which he devoted himself to the silversmith business. Mr. Kellogg was the proprietor of a cooper shop. John Brodhead was the only carpenter. A tavern was kept by Holly Akins, where J. D. Parker’s store now stands. James Gurley employed himself in the cabinet business.

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The second post office was established in 1861, by Addison Mixter, and called Prairieville; but after one year it was discontinued. After this the people continued to receive their mails at Sandusky until 1882, when J. D. Parker was appointed postmaster and still holds the office. Mail is now received regularly Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week. A public telephone also connects the office with Sandusky. Mr. Bell, father of Stewart Bell, of Sandusky, died at an early day. He was a ship carpenter, and in the year 1817 he built a small vessel near the lake. It required forty yoke of oxen and a number of men to move it to the shore, which was accomplished after much labor, and launched a short distance west of the village of Huron. Dr. Christopher, a graduate of Yale College and possessed of a fine education, was without doubt the first practicing physician in the township, his office being located at Bogart. Before the year 1818 log barns were numerous, but in this year Julius House erected a frame barn on the ridge mentioned, which is still in good repair. As the pioneers manufactured most of their wearing apparel, looms and spinning-wheels were in good demand. These were made to order by Mr. Hubbard, a wheelwright. One of these looms, which he manufactured for weaving carpets, is in the possession of Mrs. Simeon Galloway, who weaves upon it yearly many yards of carpets.
The dwellings of the early settlers were necessarily rude, only one story high, built of logs, very often without being hewn. A few of these structures still remain as the handiwork of the pioneer, but the builder has long since passed to his reward. What a change in three-fourths of a century! From the simple cabin built of logs, often containing but one room, with the open fireplace extending the entire width of the house, with its slab door and floor, windows of greased paper, and not a nail about the whole structure, to the spacious and handsome farm house of modern times, luxuriously furnished, and with all its conveniences for heating and lighting, is a transformation which has been witnessed by few who still remain, but whose numbers are becoming fewer as the years glide away.
In a small log school house, which had been built on the farm now owned by Dennis Taylor, the first township election was held in the spring of 1818, which resulted in the election of the following officers: John Beatty, township clerk; Eleizur Lockwood, John Freese, Julius House, trustees; William Beebe and Roswell Hubbard, constables; John Dillingham and Harvey Coveil, fence viewers.

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Soon after the arrival of John Beatty and his colony of settlers from Connecticut in the fall of 1815, he, with others, proceeded to organize a Methodist society, which has before been alluded to, and which was the first in the township. Julius House was chosen class leader, a position he occupied for fifty years. Services were held at the log school house or dwellings until about the year 1830, when a large frame building was erected opposite where the brick church now stands. After the society was formed, no regular preaching was held till February, 1818, although occasional sermons were preached by John Beatty.
The Ohio Conference, in the fall of 1817, attached five appointments to the Cuyahoga circuit. These appointments were such a distance from the circuit that the minister in charge would not accept of them. Rev. James B. Finley, the presiding elder, sent Rev. Bronson to form a circuit and become pastor of the same the balance of the year. Perkins was his fourth appointment. When the time arrived for his first quarterly meeting, the presiding elder being absent. Rev. William Gurley officiated. This was the first quarterly meeting held on the Fire-lands. This society has prosperously continued since its organization, and at present has a large membership. The frame building spoken of was occupied until the year 1854, when a commodious two story brick building was erected, which has recently been remodeled, painted, frescoed, refurnished, and is now in excellent condition. On the north and east sides comfortable sheds have been built for the accommodation of horses, which, being nicely painted, adds to the appearance of the premises. A pleasant and cozy parsonage occupies an adjoining lot for the use of the pastor. Since the formation of the society over fifty ministers have occupied the pulpit, among whom we mention the following: Reverends Poe, O’Sheldon, Boardman, Reynolds, Bigelow, Kellam, Jewett, Mudge, Broadwell, Persons, Wagar, Hoadley, Kepler, and Kauffman. The present pastor is Rev. O Pearce, who preaches regularly every Sabbath morning and holds prayer and praise service Sunday and Thursday evenings. Sabbath school was first organized about 1830, and is now well attended under the superintendency of Frank A. Akins.
The educational interest is an important feature of the township. In the year 1816 a log school house was built on the farm of Jesse Taylor, and the winter school was taught by Dr. Christopher. Ann Beatty, daughter of John Beatty, taught the following summer. Compensation for teaching in those early days was small compared to the present day. Ladies received from four to six dollars per month, and gentlemen ten and twelve dollars, board furnished, which they got by “boarding round.” Tuition was paid by each family in proportion to the number of scholars sent. In the spring of 18l8 Jerry Sheffield was employed as instructor, and there are still living in the township at the present writing five persons who were his scholars that year. Their names are as follows: Fiery Taylor, Lindsley House, Mrs. Maria Greene, Stewart Bell, and W. D. Gurley. These all came with their parents from Connecticut. The township is divided into eleven school districts. In nearly all of these there have lately been built fine brick or frame school buildings, with all the modern appliances for health and comfort, at a cost of from $1,500 to $2,000. The schools are in a flourishing condition, are well attended,and are gradually improving under the management of an excellent corps of teachers.

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In the southeastern corner of section two, the hamlet of Bogart, already spoken of, is situated. Five roads centre here, which lead respectively to Sandusky, Huron, Milan, Bloomingville, and Castalia. In the course of the year considerable business is transacted The only merchant is James D. Parker, who keeps a general store in which may be found a large assortment of goods, including dry goods, drugs, notions, groceries, and hardware. In fact, this is the only store in the township, and enjoys a large patronage. He also deals largely in eggs and handles annually many thousand dozen.
The firm of Siegel & Hemminger, blacksmiths, is doing a flourishing business in their line of work, and their trade extends far over the county. Besides repairing and horseshoeing, in which their reputation is well established, they make a specialty of ironing wagons and buggies. Their constantly increasing trade compel them to employ one or two extra men.
Martin Kaltenbach and William Zink are the members of an enterprising firm engaged in the manufacture of wagons and buggies, and repairing the same. Their work is considered first class in every respect, and orders for new vehicles from this and adjoining townships are filled as rapidly as their facilities will permit. They also execute excellent painting in both plain and fancy scroll work.
W. D. Gurley for many years did an extensive business in both blacksmith and wagon work here.
In the northern part of the township Mr. A. Remington is doing an extensive business in the manufacture of cider vinegar. His establishment is filled with the most improved machinery, and his facilities are large. Thousands of bushels of apples are purchased of farmers and converted into vinegar, which supplies both home and foreign markets.
The manufacture and sale of brick is one of the important features of the township. The excellent clay found in section three is used for this purpose, and two brick kilns are in operation, owned respectively by William DeWitt and Lee Chambers. Many thousands of brick are annually burnt, most of which is used in the city and surrounding townships.
Sections two and three are rich in large quarries of blue limestone, the principal one of which is owned by By & Gachsteter. Hundreds of cords are annually quarried and find a ready sale. Hundreds of loads of shale stone are used upon the roads through the township. Stone from the quarry referred to was used in the erection of the Erie County Infirmary, the Soldiers’ Home, and the residence at Oakland Cemetery, besides the large bridges across Pipe Creek.

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Oakland Cemetery is a beautiful park of several acres in extent, situated in the northeastern corner of section two, on the banks of Pipe Creek. It is systematically laid out into lots, with driveways bordered with maples, evergreens, willows, and various other trees. The grounds are under the care of a superintendent, who, with a corps of assistants, keep the enclosure in perfect condition. A stone wall surrounds the cemetery on the north and east sides. A large stone vault and chapel has recently been finished ; also a handsome and substantial dwelling house. Gothic or Queen Anne style, for the use of the superintendent. The place is visited annually by hundreds of people.
The Erie County Infirmary farm adjoins the cemetery on the west. The main building presents an imposing appearance, is beautiful in style of architecture, is built mostly of blue limestone. It was built in 1886, at a cost of about forty thousand dollars, to replace one destroyed by fire the winter of 1885-86. This building is heated by steam, and is as near fireproof as possible.
The grounds of the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home are located in section two, south of the cemetery. The work of erecting buildings and improving the grounds was commenced in 1887. These buildings, nowin the course of erection, are of stone, with brick partitions and slate roof, and of the most substantial character. The home will cost, when the present plans are carried out, about $350,000, and will accommodate six hundred inmates, besides the employees. If improvements are made to accommodate 1,400 inmates, the total cost will be about $600,000.
The agricultural interests of the township are flattering. The soil is of the richest quality (well underdrained), and is adapted to raising all kinds of crops. The limestone soil produces a good yield of wheat, while on the ridges a variety of crops is raised, the principal one being potatoes, of which, during a favorable season, thousands of bushels are produced. On the prairie soil, corn and oats are mostly raised. Large quantities of apples, grapes, peaches, strawberries and other small fruits are raised and annually shipped.
The shipping of moulding sand is an important feature. This sand is found only on the sandy ridges before mentioned, and is of the finest quality. It is found just below the soil, which is usually about one foot in depth. The soil is first removed and placed at one side, after which the sand is taken out and the soil replaced, which leaves the land in good condition. The principal shippers or dealers in sand are T. B. Taylor, J. D. Parker, J. F. Greene, and Charles House. Hundreds of tons are annually shipped to all parts of the United States, and the total value of which is about $10,000 yearly. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which passes through the central part of the township, furnishes an excellent shipping point, known as Greene’s Station, about four miles from Sandusky. From here a large share of the sand is shipped, also quantities of produce.

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One of the first literary societies in the township, and in fact in this part of the State, was composed of a number of young men from the townships of Perkins, Huron and Milan, about the year 1819. The late Rev. L. B. Gurley was a member of this society. They usually met on one of the ridges on Saturday during the summer and debated many important questions. Within the past few years societies, both for social and intellectual improvement, have been formed for the winter season, but discontinued as summer approached. At present there is one in existence, known as the Chautauqua Spare Minute¦ Circle. This has a good membership, and Rev. O. Pearce is president.
Another society, the Ladies’ Home Mission, deserves mention. It was organized several years ago by the ladies of the township, who meet regularly at the residences the first Thursday of each month for benevolent purposes. Much charitable work has been accomplished by the society since its formation.
In the year 1874 Perkins Grange, No. 637, Patrons of Husbandry, sprang into existence in this township. The charter was obtained in March, with thirty three members, five of whom have since died. The growth was rapid, and by May the membership had increased to eighty five members. From 1876 to 1881 little interest was taken in the grange, and members gradually dropped out, but since the latter date the grange has revived, new members have been added, till at the present date the grange numbers thirty one, and new applications are received monthly. The regular session is held each month at the residence cf some member of the order. The late Colonel D. C. Richmond was an active member in effecting its organization, and of which he held the office of worthy master. Farmers are becoming convinced of the necessity of some organization for the protection and promotion of their interests, and without doubt the grange is the best society for the accomplishment of this purpose. The best members of the society are becoming enrolled, in the ranks, and the social feature is also an important item.

Footnote: Surnames have been noted by the Bold Print.
source of photograph(Interurban Car Barn): Google Images,