White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy

Nevada Genealogy Research

White Pine County


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Kimberly Nevada History

Kimberly Nevada History and Photos

KIMBERLY - (1903-1958)
(T16N R62E SW1/4 Section 8) At terminus of SR 44, 4 miles west of its junction with US 50 at a point 5 miles northwest of Ely. Named for Peter L. Kimberly, an early postmaster or a principal stockholder in the Giroux Copper Co. on Pilot Knob (Later, the Consolidated Copper Co.)

The Pilot Knob Mine was developed in May 1900 on the Giroux property by J. A. Snedaker and E. L. Giroux. Ore was also found in the Taylor, Old Glory and Brooks Mines and in 1901, Dave Bartley and Edwin F. Gray discovered copper at a depth of 120 feet in their mines.

The town began in 1903 a few miles to the southwest of Old Ruth. In the mid-1920's, Kimberly, a copper company town, had a school, hospital, Nevada Northern depot, bunkhouses, boarding houses, a newspaper, post office and several homes to house about 500 people. Kennecott Corp. bought the townsite in 1958. No longer in existence and there are only mine dumps where the town once stood.

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State Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

Asst State Coordinator:  Norma Hass

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White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy