White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy

Nevada Genealogy Research

White Pine County


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Egan & Egan Canyon

Egan Canyon Station in White Pine County Nevada

EGAN & EGAN CANYON - (1864-1893)

5 miles southwest of Cherry Creek. Named after Major Howard Egan who operated a mail service through here in the 1850's.
The Pony Express station here was located in a meadow at the west end of the canyon. The Overland Mail Company had a station in the 1860's until 1869 when the Central Pacific Railroad was completed.

In 1863, several California volunteer soldiers discovered gold veins. By fall, the Egan Mining District was formed, becoming the first mining district in eastern Nevada. The Gilligan Mine built a five-stamp mill in 1864 at the east entrance of the canyon. In 1865 a second mining company erected a ten-stamp mill. The two companies merged in 1865 and formed the Social & Steptoe Mining Company and produced $80,000 before closing in 1868.

In 1865, Egan contained stores, a blacksmith shop, post office, a school and several houses. Mining ceased in 1868 until a 1873 - 1876 revival in Cherry Creek allowed bullion shipments to be processed again. In 1880 to 1882, the camp again awoke from the Cherry Creek mines.

Mining was pretty much finished in the area by 1883 and died for good in 1893 when silver was demonetized. Road building and mining operations have almost obliterated the site. A cemetery remains.

A rumor exists that the three graves are of soldiers killed fighting the Indians in the 1860's or 1870's, but there is no proof of that rumor.

Written recount of an attack on Egan Station


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State Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

Asst State Coordinator:  Norma Hass

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White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy