White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy

Nevada Genealogy Research

White Pine County


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Cherry Creek History

CHERRY CREEK - (1859 - present)

Cherry Creek is located 55 miles north of Ely just off Hwy 93 at the end of S. R. 489. Named for the wild choke-cherry bushes that grow nearby. It is a pioneer city of the Pony Express and the Overland Telegraph days. Cherry Creek is about 5 miles north of Egan Canyon which the Pony Express route passed through on its way from Schellbourne to Fort Ruby near the Ruby Marshes in the north western corner of White Pine County, Nevada.

The Nevada Northern Railway tracks passed Cherry Creek about 4 miles east of the town. These tracks connected the copper mines to the Southern Pacific Railway lines for the approximately 150 mile journey to ship their ore to Cobre.

Silver discoveries in October 1872 created a boom for Cherry Creek in 1873 to 1875 and again in 1880 to 1883. A post office was established in 1873 and the town had a Wells Fargo station.

The 1880 census shows 639 residents, but because of more discoveries, the population rose to 1,500 or 1,800 by the end of 1880. Three mills served the local mines. The leading producers were the Star, Exchequer, Teacup and Grey Eagle mines. The White Pine News moved to Cherry Creek from Hamilton on January 1, 1881. By the end of 1881, there were several businesses established in Cherry Creek and the camp became the largest in White Pine County.

Cherry Creek has had several boom and bust times. The earliest discovery of gold and silver were made in nearby Egan Canyon, about 5 miles south of the town. Mining revived once more from 1905 to 1908 and again in 1935 to 1940. Some believe that production here may have been as high as $20 million dollars. There is some mining activity on a small scale here today.

Mines in the area

Biscuit Mine employees 1906 - 1908

The town has a handful of year-round residents and a saloon / bar. Volunteer Firemen do their best to protect the town and area. A museum is displayed in the old school house and one can ask at the saloon whom to contact to see inside the museum as it does not have regular hours. Someone is usually around that has the key. The remains of the old horse race track can be discerned. Pictures

Cherry Creek has three cemeteries. One of which is in T24N R64E NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 32 on public lands.

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State Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

Asst State Coordinator:  Norma Hass

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White Pine County NVGenWeb Genealogy