Belknap County

1775-1819 Smith Meeting House Baptisms

The Smith Meeting House in Gilmanton was the first church in that part of New Hampshire. Gilmanton has since been divided into Gilmanton, Gilmanton Iron Works, Gilford, and Belmont.

Baptisms by the Revd. Mr. Isaac Smith

Heirs, the son of John Worth, was baptised Feb 7, 1775
Hannah and Sarah the daughters of Dudley and Reuben the son of Ebenezer Page Jun. were
all baptised Feb 26, 1775.
John Tilton Lovit and Josiah Bacheldor were baptised Mar 26, 1775
Sarah ye daughter and Jeremiah ye son of Jeremiah Cogswel and Hannah ye daughter of Doctor
William Smith were all baptised May 4, 1775.
Hitty ye daughter of Jeremiah Cogswel baptised Oct 1, 1775
John and Samuel Harper the Sons and Betsey the daughter of David Bean and Elizabeth the
daughter of Peter Gilman were all baptised on their wives account Nov 2, 1775.
Sarah ye daughter of Samuel Morril was baptised Nov 7, 1775.
David Avery, Betty Ives and Martha Avery were all baptised December 4, 1775 being ye
children of Samuel Avery.
Isaac Bachelder ye Son and Joanna and Polly ye daughters of Isaac Bachelder were all
baptised Dec 10, 1775.
Job the Son of Capt. Nathaniel Tilton was baptised Feb 18, 1776.
Jonathan Hutchins baptised May 26, 1776.
Sarah ye daughter of Peter Gilman was baptised Aug 4, 1776.
Samuel ye Son of Samuel Dudley deceased was baptised on his grandfathers account in
May 1776.
John ye Son of John Dudley was baptised Sept 15, 1776.
David ye son of David Bean was baptised Sept 29, 1776.
Israel Page the son of Ebenezer Page junr was Baptised Oct 27, 1776.
Thomas the son of Jonathan Ross was baptised Dec. 1, 1776.
Abel the son of Samuel Dudley deceased was baptised on his grandfathers account
Mar 23, 1777.
May 25, 1777 Sarah ye daughter of Doctor William Smith was baptised.
Jonathan & John ye Sons and Molly & Deborah & Dollay ye daughters of John Gilman were
all baptised July ye 3rd day 1777.
Ebenezer the Son of Elisha Odlin was baptised on his wife's account Sept. 4th, 1777.
Elizabeth ye daughter of Jonathan Kinsman was baptised Sept 14, 1777.
James ye Son and Martha ye daughter of Samuel Morril and Benjamin
the Son of Jacob Tole of Loudon were all baptised Sept 24, 1777 at a lecture preached there.
Judah ye daughter of Jeremiah Coggswell was baptised Nov. 2, 1777.
Ebenezer ye Son of the Revd. Mr. Isaac Smith was Baptised Nov 23, 1777.
Sarah Worth ye daughter of John Worth was baptised Nov 30, 1777.
Anna Lovit the daughter of Liet Lovit of Chichester was baptised Jan 21, 1778.
Anna Dudley the Dau of John Dudley was baptised April 3, 1778.
Abner the son of Isaac Bachelder was baptised April 17, 1778 on his wifes account.
Joshua the Son of Deacon Chamberlain of the Gore was baptised September 6, 1778.
Ebenezer Badger Coggswell the son of Thomas Coggswell was baptised on his wife's account Oct 11, 1778.
Samuel Stiles the Son of --- Stiles of Loudon was baptised October 18, 1778.
Ebenezer Page the son of Ebenezer Page junr was baptised Feb 21, 1779
Abigail Ross the Daughter of Jonathan Ross was baptised March 21, 1779
Levi the son of Capt Nathaniel Wilson was baptised April 25, 1779
Sarah the daughter of Jeremiah Cogswel was baptised Sept 29, 1779
Josiah the Son of Benjamin Mason of Chichester was baptised September 22, 1779
Moses the son of Major Daniel Sanborn of Sanborntown was baptised November 14, 1779
Mary the daughter of Doctor William Smith was baptised Nov 1779.
Ebenezer the son of John Gilman was baptised March 5, 1780
Martha the daughter of Revd. Isaac Smith was baptised May 28, 1780.
Mary the daughter of John Melcher was baptised the same day.
Nathaniel the son of John Didley(Dudley?) was baptised May 14, 1780
Abraham the son of Isaac Bachelder was baptised July 1780
Anna the daughter of David Bean was baptised Sept 27, 1780
Mary the daughter and John the son of John Bradbury was baptised May 3, 1781
Molly the daughter of Ebenezer Page junr was baptised June 2, 1781
Susanna the daughter of John Bradbury was baptised July 1, 1781
Mary and Mercy and Eunice the daughters and Jacob the Son of Jacob Kelley were
all baptised together July 4, also Martha the daughter of Robert Moulton was baptised
at the same time on his wife's account.
Ebenezer the son of Ephraim Chamberlain of the Gore was baptised Sept 3, 1781
Thomas the Son of Thomas Cogswel was baptised Nov 18, 1781.
Jeremiah the son of Nathaniel Wilson was baptised Dec 2, 1781
Joanna the daughter of Doctor William Smith was baptised Apr 28, 1782
Abner the son of Jonathan Perkins was baptised June 26, 1782 at Pitsfield
Elizabeth Lovit Gilman the daughter of John Gilman was baptised June 30, 1782.
Mehetable and Hannah the daughters of Jonathan Flanders were baptised July 14, 1782
on his wife's account.
Aug 29, 1782 Anna and Lucy and Thrany the daughters and Ephraim and Ezra the sons
of Eliphalet Gilman were all baptised.
Noah and Moses and Henry the sons of Charles Rundlet were all baptised on his wife's account.
Elizabeth the daughter of Isaac Morril of Loudon was baptised September 8, 1782
Jeremiah the son of Jeremiah Cogswel was baptised Dec 23, 1782.
Hannah the daughter of the Revd Isaac Smith was baptised Jan 5, 1783
Huldah the daughter of Isaac Bachelder was baptised March 2, 1783 on his wife's account.
Moses the son of John Kelley was baptised March 2, 1783
April 27, 1783 on Lords Day David the Son of Nathan Kenestone of New Durham Gore was baptised.
Esther Fox, the daughter of Edward Fox was baptised on his wife's account Aug 15, 1783.
Stephen the son of John Bradbury was baptised Oct 8, 1783
Sarah Cotte Gilman, Betty Gilman, Moses Bayley Gilman the son and daughters
of William Gilman were all baptised October 26, 1783.
Nov 9, 1783 Moses the son of Jonathan Ross ws baptised
Nov 30, 1783 John the son of Samuel Morril of Loudon was baptised.
May 23, 1784 George the Son of Lieut Ephraim Chamberlain of the Gore was baptised.
July 4, 1784 Nathan the son of David Bean was baptised on his wife's account.
Samuel the son of Charles Rundlett was baptised Aug 1, 1784
Anna the daughter of Doctor William Smith was baptised Oct 31, 1784.
William the son of Thomas Cogswell Esq was baptised on the Lords Day Nov 7, 1784
Anna the daughter of John Bradbury was baptised Nov. 28, 1784
Isaac Coit the son of the Revd Isaac Smith was baptised Dec 5, 1784
Sarah the daughter of Jacob Kelly was baptised Mar 6, 1785
William and Israel the Sons and Molly and Sarah the daughters of Matthias
Sawyer were baptised on his wife's account May 3, 1785
Jonathan the son of Jonathan Flanders was baptised May 17, 1785
Theophilus the son of John Gilman was baptised May 22, 1785.
Ephraim Fox Berry was baptised on his grandmother John Fox's wife account May 22, 1785
Richard Lakeman son of Mr. Lakeman of Pembroke was baptised June 26, 1785.
Betty the daugher of Ebenezer Page junr was baptised July 23, 1785
Samuel Gilman Kelly the Son of Micajah Kelly was baptised July 31, 1785
Nathaniel Cogswel the son of Jeremy Cogswell was baptised Aug 7th 1785.
Reuben the Son of Samuel French of Loudon was baptised Sept 11, 1785
Isaac the Son of Isaac Morril of Loudon was baptised Sept 11, 1785
Stephen the son of Jonathan Ross was baptised Oct 16, 1785.
Billy the Son of Josiah White of Pittsfield was baptised Mar 26, 1786
Betsey the daughter of Jonathan Perkins of Pitsfield was baptised Mar 26, 1786.
Ruth Bean was baptised May 4, 1786 the daughter of David Bean
Betty the daughter of Charles Rundlett was baptised June 25, 1786.
Thomas the son of Isaac Bachelder was baptised June 29, 1786.
Betty Flanders the daughter of Jonathan Flanders was baptised July 8, 1786.
James the osn of James Osgood of Sanborntown and Lydia the daughter
of Jeremiah Sanborn of Sanborntown were baptised July 16, 1786.
Joseph Sanborn Kelley the son to Jacob Kelley was baptised Feb 25, 1787
Francis Cogswell the son of Thomas Cogswel was baptised May 6, 1787.
Moses the son of David Bean was baptised July 8, 1787.
Daniel the Son of Micajah Kelley was baptised July 8, 1787
Ephraim the son of John Gilman was baptised July 29, 1787
Hannah the daughter of Jonathan Ross was baptised August 5, 1787.
Lydia the dau of Samuel Morril of Loudon was baptised Jan 13, 1788
Polly Bachelder dau of Joseph Bachelder and Patty Tilton dau of Joseph
Tilton were baptised Jan 14, 1788 on the account of the Widow Martha Tilton.
Sarah the daughter of Mr. Winslow of Loudon ws baptised Mar 11, 1788
Molly the daughter of Jeremiah Cogswell was baptised May 29, 1783
Jonathan the Son of Jonathan Flanders was baptised June 1, 1788
Joseph Badger Tilton son of David Tilton was baptised July 6, 1788
Mehetabel the dau of Joshua Bradford was baptised Aug 3, 1788
Hannah the dau of Ebenezer Page junr was baptised Sept 21, 1788.
Lydia Warner the dau of Israel Potter was baptised October 2, 1788
Sarah the dau of Isaac Bachelder was baptised October 2, 1788
Joshua Lane the son of John Lane of Pitsfield was baptised October 19, 1788
John and Stephen and Nicholas the sons of Major Nicholas Dudley
of Barnstead were all baptised Dec 17, 1788
William the son of Jacob Kelley was baptised by Mr. Woodman Jan 18, 1789
Daniel the son of Charles Rundlet was baptised Mar 3, 1789
Moses the son of Jonathan Ross was baptised July 26, 1789
Sarah the dau of Micajah Kelley was baptised November (9th? Blotted) 1789.
Abiel Foster the son of David Tilton was baptised Feb 14, 1790
Pearson Coggswell the son of Thomas Cogswell Feb 14, 1790
Anna the dau of Samuel French of Loudon was baptised May 9, 1790
Thomas the son of Jonathan Flanders was baptised June 6, 1790
Smith Gilman the son of John Gilman was baptised May 9, 1790 by Mr Tucker of Loudon
Mary Light the daughter of John Dudley was baptised Nov 4, 1790
I baptised Samuel the son of the Rev Mr Smith Feb 1791
Lots the daughter of Jacob Kelley was baptised Mar 6, 1791 (Lois?)
Lucy the dau of Israel Potter was baptised May 1, 1791
Daniel the Son of Jonathan Ross was baptised Oct 3, 1791
Sally Badger Tilton the daughter of David Tilton was baptised Jan 15, 1792
Nathaniel Fulsome Rundlet the son of Charles Rundlet was baptised Mar 24, 1792
Frederick the son of Thomas Cogswel was baptised Apr 22, 1792
John the son of Micajah Kelly was baptised May 6, 1792
William Smith the son of David Galissar baptised on his wifes account May 20, 1792
Eliphalit Gilman Flanders the son of Jonathan Flanders was baptised June 10, 1792
Lemuel Eaton Smith was baptised Jan 13, 1793 the son of the Revd Isaac Smith
Betty Potter the dau of Israel Potter was baptised Mar 10, 1793
Joseph the son of Jacob Kelley was bapt May 6, 1793
Betty Smith the dau of Daniel Gale junr was baptised May 26, 1793
Jeremiah the Son and Deborah the Daughter of Eliphas Sweatt were bapt Aug 15, 1793
Samuel the son of Jonathan Ross was bapt Nov 17, 1793
Samuel and Henry True, Hannah and Jabez the Sons and Daughter
of Winslow Page and Micajah Morrill the son of John Jane (or Lane)
were all baptised Thursday July 3, 1794.
Polly Upham the daughter of Benjamin Page was baptised July 31, 1794
Susanna Gale the dau of Daniel Gale junior was bapt Apr 30, 1795
Jeremiah the son of Charles Rundlet, Moses the son of winslow Page, Molly the
dau of Micajah Kelly and Amelia the dau of David Tilton were all bapt June 7, 1795
Alfred the Son of Thomas Cogswel was bapt July 19, 1795
Peter Smith the Revd Isaan Smith was bapt Aug 23, 1795
Ephraim Smith Price the son of William Price Junior was bapt on his wife's account Mar 6, 1796
Robert-French Smith the son of Robert Smith was baptised May 22, 1796
Josiah the son of John Lane was baptised by Mr. Woodman July 31, 1796
John the son of Lemuel Morril and Jemima the daughter of Israel Potter were baptised Sept 22, 1796.
John Adams the son of Jonathan Ross was bapt May 14, 1797
Israel the son of Winslow Pge was bapt June 4, 1797
Betsey the dau of Jacob Kelley and Lydia the dau of Micajah Kelley were baptised July 2, 1797
Ebenezer Gale the son of Daniel Gale was baptised July 23, 1797
John Smith the son of Revd Isaac Smith was bapt Nov 9, 1797
Lois Smith the dau of Robert Smith was bapt May 13, 1798
Ebenezer Price the son of William Price was bapt on his wife's account May 20, 1798
Sarah the daughter of Lemuel Morril was bapt Mar 3, 1799
John Adams son of Dr. Adams of Concord was baptised by me July 1, 1798
Moses Price son of William Price was baptised Mar 26, 1799 at a lecture at his house
Joseph the son of Jonathan Ross was baptised Aug 3, 1799
Mr. Soper (?) child of upper Parish baptised by Mr. Carpenter Chichester 2 Sabbath in September 1799
Dolly the dua of Daniel Gale was baptised Dec 29, 1799 on his wife's account
Daniel Gilman and Salem a negro man belonging to Lieut Jeremiah Cogswell
being adult persons and Eunice the daughter of Micajah Kelly being an infant were baptised May 4, 1800
Nancy Lowell a young woman in Loudon was bapt July 10, 1800
Clary the daughter of Mr. Emery of Pembroke was baptised July 13, 1800
Sarah and Naby the daughters of Jonathan Ross junr were baptised Aug 14, 1800
Samuel Potter the son of Israel Potter was baptised Oct 22, 1800
Polly the daughter, Nabby the daughter, and Hannah the daughter Nathaniel ,
Jacob, David, and Jeremiah the sons of David Elsworth, Sarah and Mary the
daughters of Summersby Barthelmy and Daniel the son of Daniel Gilman were
all baptised Jan 8, 1801
Abigail the daughter of Cotton Gilman was baptised Oct 17, 1801 on account of his wife
Deborah Professing faith in Christ and giving up herself and child in her dying moments.
Fanny Morgan the daughter of Parker Morgan was baptised Dec 2, 1801
Senna (?) Lad son of Mr. Lad in Stewart in the Upper part of New Hampshire was baptised June 27, 1802.
John the son of Benjamin Page and Sarah the daughter of Jonathan Ross were baptised Nov 4, 1802
Nathaniel Fulsome Nelson and Dudley Nelson the sons of Jonathan Wilson and Patty
his daughter were baptised on his wife's account
Martha in family record
Joanna Kimbal the wife of David Kimbal was baptised Jan 16, 1803
Ezra the son, Fanny the daughter, Hazon the son and Sophia, Lydia and Hanna the
daughters of David Kimbal were all baptised on his wife's account 22 Sept 1803.
Isaac the son of Jonathan Ross was baptised Dec 2, 1803 deceased Dec 3, the following
Thomas Jefferson the son of David Kimbal was baptised May 20, 1804
Robert Smith Gale the son of Daniel Gale was baptised June 3, 1804
Abigail the daughter of Samuel Foss was baptised on his wife's account the first Sunday in Oct 1804
Patty True the daughter of Deacon Winslow Page was baptised Nov 4, 1804.
John Toppan the son of Parker Morgan was baptised June 2, Sarah the dau of Robert
Smith was baptised June 30, 1805.
Mary and Dolly the twin daughters of Jonathan Ross junior were baptised Nov 7, 1805
Mary the daughter of David Kimbal was baptised May 18, 1806
Prudence Richardson was baptised May 4, 1806
William Garland was baptised May 30, 1806
Judith Swain Gilman the daughter of Daniel Gilman was baptised Sept 28, 1806
Edmund Chadwick the son of Mr. Jenkin (?) of Pitsfield was baptised Sunday the 26 Oct, 1806
Deborah and Nancy the daughters and John and Hazen the sons of Benjamin and
Prudence Richardson were baptised on their mother's account Oct 31, 1806
Cotton the son and Eliza the dau of William Garland were baptised Nov 6, 1806
Eliphalet the son of Daniel Gale was baptised Dec 21, 1806
Mary the dau of Thomas Dean was bapt June 6, 1807
At a lecture July 3, 1807-7 children of Mr. Jacob Gale were baptised on his wife's
account viz. Listen, William John and Daniel the sons, Nancy Barber, Mary
Gordon and Sally the daughters.
Hannah and Lydia the daughters and Moses the son of Moses Sawyer of Barnstead
were baptised on his account 3 Jan 1808.
Ruth the dau of David Kimbal was bapt May 8, 1808
James the son of Deacon Micajah Morril of Chichester baptised Sept 21, 1808
Stephen the son of Jacob Gale was baptised by Mr. Carpenter Sept 21, 1808 on his wife's account.
James Horn the son of a Mr. Place of Rochester was bapt Oct 19, 1809
Lucy Woodbridge Dean the dau of Thomas Dean was bapt July 2, 1809
Aria the daughter of the Rev Mr. John Webber was Bapt Oct 15, 1808
Ebenezer Lowell of Loudon was bapt Aug 28, 1809
Martha my daughter the wife of William Badger meeting with a most
remarkable and as we hope gracious change upon her deathbed and giving
up herself and her children to the Lord -----they were accordingly baptised Jan 27,
1810 the one by the name of John and the other by the name of Martha Smith.
Hannah Upham the daughter of Mr. Jenkins of Pitsfield was bapt Apr 29, 1810
Betsey Hodgdon the dau of Jonathan Ross junr was bapt May 3, 1810
Martha Smith Kimbal the dau of David Kimbal was bapt on his wife's acct May 5, 1811
Stephen son of Jacob Gale was baptised 1811
Jemima Moulton, Loisa, Mary Kimbal and Hannah the daughters of Richard Sanborn were
bapt on his wife's right she being a member of the Church May 7, 1812
The two daughters of Samuel Ring of Pitsfield were baptised on his wife's account June 14, 1812
John, Benjamin Jenkins the son of John Jenkins of Pitsfield was bapt June 28, 1812
Adaline the dau of Major Ames bapt at Steward Oct 11, Thomas the son of Thomas Dean
and James the son of Jame Durgin was bapt Dec 13, 1812.
Stephen Sweat Norton the son and Mariam the dau of Stephen Greely were baptised on
his wife's making a confession of Faith on her death bed Mar 14, 1813.
Betty Smith dau of Richard Sanborn was bapt July 8, 1813
Alfred the son of Timothy Prescott was bapt Aug 29, 1813
The daughter of Mr. Jenkins of Pitsfield was bapt Apr 17, 1814
Joseph Swan Cilly son of Richard Cilley was bapt Aug 20, 1815
Mary Gray the dau of John Jenkins of Pitsfield was bapt July 28, 1816
Edwin the son of Timothy Prescott was bapt Sept 22, ----
**Mr Smiths writing ends here **
Joseph Badger son of the Hon. William Badger Esq. Was bapt Nov 9, 1817 on his
wife's account by the Rev. Enos George
Thomas Russell Crosby son of Doct Asa Crosby was bapt Mar 18 by Rev Jonathan Curtis 1818
Ebenezer, Marian, Arthur Mc, John Pitt, and Adaline Rosena children of Ebenezer Eastman
were baptised by Rev. Abraham Burnham, 22 Mar 1818
May 12, 1818: Betsey, Harvey, Joseph Piper, Mary Jane the children of Joseph Gilman Jr
were bapt by Rev. Enoch Courser. Also Joseph Smith son of Joseph F. Lougee.
May 21: Jabez French and Betsey Hall children of Theophilus Gilman were baptised
by the Rev. Jotham Sewall.
July 12: Anne Eliza Shepard dau of John W. Shepard was bapt by the Rev. Josiah
Prentice, Charles Stuart and Mary-ann son and daughter of Joseph French were also
bapt by the Rev. Joseph Prentice. Also Asa Tilton and Mary-ann son and dau of Moses
Page bapt. Juliann dauter of Samuel Sanborn was baptised on his wifes account by
Rev. Joseph Prentice.
June 13, 1818: Edmund Elliot, Jamima, Clarissa Brown, John Jay, Abraham, Isaac Smith, Jacob
Sandborn, Henery True the children of John Carr were baptised by the Rev. Enoch Courser.
July 31, 1818: William Rand, Henery and May Ann children of William Price Jun were baptised
by the Rev. Enos George on his wife's account.
Hannah Pearson, Cynthia Paris and Sophia, children of Capt. Parsons Cogswell were bapt on his
wife's account by the Rev. Enos George (no date)
Sept 12, 1818: Isaac Williams son of John F. Lougee was bapt by Rev. William Patrick
Ann Hazen, Martha, Alice Chace, Polly Parish, children of Hazen Horn were bapt on his
wife's account by Rev. William Patrick. Also Charles Hazen, Hannah, Mary, Charlotte,
William Henry, Ann Hazen children of William Perles (or Perley) were bapt on his wife's
account, also Lydia Adams, Elizabeth Ann Ephraim Isaac Smith children of Jeremiah Morgan
were bapt on his wife's acct also Mary Folsom adopted dau of Peter L. Folsom
Nov 8, 1818: Caroline Mehetabel William Patten Lois Susanna Hannah Stephen Colcord
children of Stephen Gale were baptised by Rev. Enoch Course on his wife's account.
Nov 3, 1818: Lucy Smith, Elizabeth, Mary Adams Hannah Adams Almira and Priscilla Welch
children of Andrew and Mary Page were bapt on her account by Rev. Eber Price
Jan 3, 1819: Stephen Moody son of Doc Asa and Abigail Crosby was bapt by the
Rev. Jotham Sewell
July 4, ------: Sophia Ann dau of Thomas and Sophia Adams was baptised, lifewise at
the same time William Eaton son of William and Amelia Cutter son was bapt on the
mothers account by L. A. Spofford Pastor of the Congregational Church in this p-----(worn)
July 11, 1819: Francis Spofford son of Joseph and Lovey Gilman bapt on the mother's account.
Sept 5, (no year) Joseph Richardson son of William and Betsey Price was bapt on
the mothers account.
Luke Ainsworth Spofford elected Pastor of the Church in 1819.

Contributed by the NHHS. Transcribed by Trish Elliott-Kashima, all spellings are as they were in the manuscript compiled in 1911 by Mary Lovering Holman.

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