Wayne County lies in the northeastern portion of the State; is bounded by Cedar and Dixon Counties on the north, by Dixon and the Winnebago and Omaha Reservations on the east, by Cuming and Stanton Counties on the south, and by Pierce County on the west. It contains fourteen townships, or 322,560 acres of land. The pioneer settlers of Wayne County were B. F. Whitten and a Mr. Bean, who came into Township 26, Range 5 east, near the Logan, in the summer of 1868. The first post office was established September 8, 1870, near the Logan bridge, and called Taffe, after Hon. John Taffe, of Dakota County; William Agler being appointed first Postmaster. The county was organized by proclamation of Gov. David Butler in the fall of 1870. It's most famous business is Wayne State College.
Due to the death of Donna Shufelt, Wayne County needs a new coordinator. If you would like to volunteer to be the county coordinator of Wayne for the NeGenWeb, please contact the State Coordinator David Gochenour or Asst State Coordinator Linda Ziemann
Wayne County Cemeteries Wayne County Marriages