Orleans High School
Alumni Class Rolls
Information taken from the Orleans Centennial 1872-1972 book. The plus sign (+) indicates that the graduate was deceased at the time of the history book's printing in 1972.
Maude Bodein +
Olive Banwell+
Millie Robbins+
Corda Pate+
Alice Main+
Marcia Vosburg
Raymor Olmstead+
Joey Olson +
Anna Gibbons+
Jennie Gibbons
Media Jennings+
May Travis+
John Turley+
Clara Bodein+
Mary Breiding
Walter Pate+.
James Richmond+
Anna Albright4-
Gertrude Bayard+
Roy Bodien +
Rose Caffrey+
Katie Caffrey
Edward Fenninger+
Arthur Maine+
Clara Zulauf
Blanche Claypool+
Lillian Chandler+
Edith Jennings
Anna Manning+
Mable Olson+
Maude Vansickle
Frank Wallace
Carl Furgeson+
Carrie Jennings+
Edward Lunberry+
Will Lorimer+
Will McGeachin+
Lawrence Davis
Carrie Ewan+
Jean McGeachin
Amy Mitchell+
Ira Olmstead
Stewart Richmond+
Gertrude Schumacher+
Bessie Aten
Rose Claypool
Edna Currey
Gertrude Dewey+
Ada Haney
Maude Lamson+
Elna Lane+
Grace Munson
Randall McGee
Merle Pate+
Nic Sasse+
Maude Seybold
Pearl Lamson
Bessie Bennett
Ethel Martin
Lea VanSickle+
James McGeachin+
Lillian Munson+
Albert Olson+
Ed Olson
Eunice Munson
Carrie Curry
Ida Pate
Tena Rhen+
Howard Pate
Carl Ellis+
Ethel Currey +
Bessie Wescott
Daisy Lorimer+
Claude Holder
Carl Peterson+
Marie Peterson +
Hattie Hull+
Hilma Peterson
Bertha Schumacher
Harry Timmins+
Edna Claypool+
Trella Lamson
Elsie Warne
Ray Dunlay+
Ione Burch
Beth Beresford
Robert Beresford
Carl Munson+
Charles VanSickle+
Clarence Axelson
James Fitzgerald
John Simpson+
Leland Means
Alice Nelson
Cecelia Fitzgerald
Guy Wescott+
Ethel Reed
Louise Schumacher
Hallie Axelson
J. Benjie Stromberg
Edwin Olmstead
Fannie Hoffman
Helen Pearson
Mabel Webber
Mamie White+
James Dunlay
Theodore Leopold+
Walker Pierce+
Hazel Warner
Lillian Peterson
Elsie Campbell
Hattie Nelson
Cecile Perkins
Dorothy Mahn +
Maude Wescott +
Zola Beddeo
Esther Pearson
Rose Willey+
Ellen Dunlay
Gordon Pierce+
Theodore Johnson +
Leland Lamson
John Dunlay
Oliver Olson
Arthur Campbell
Bernard Loper
Grant Johnson
Bernard Fitzgerald+
Lloyd Hoffman +
Mary Means
Leona Brown
Agnes Richmond
Gladys Loper
Eva Daugherty+
Maude Lumberry
Rose Peterson
Verne Wallace
Lucy Mays+
Beulah Merry +
Marjorie Wescott+
Katie Tubridy
Esther Perkins
Lulu Johnson
Almeda Morton
Louis Stevens
John Cross+
John Brandt+
Henry Olney+
Robert Olney
Earl Axelson+
Allen Landgreen+
Lynn Childress+
Olive Means
Eltina Rickard
Melvin Harvey
Fred Webber
Ruth Pearson +
Jessie Weaver
Glen Webber
Margaret Dunlay
Julia Wallace
Harry Johnson
Harold Perkins
Helen Rickard
Mary Dunlay
Lucille Dunlay
Harlo Ambler+
Chester Nelson
Bryan Watkins+
Elmer Watkins
Ray Carroll
Helena Carroll
Winnie Wickens+
Marie Hunt
Mamie Childress+
John Tubridy
Glen Reed
Leila Reed
Hilma Anderson
Blanche Gronquist+
Ethel Culver
Violet Peterson
Wanita Morton
Bernard Gates
Iris Enlow
Edith Axelson +
Inez Logsdon
Dale Renner
Robert Harry
Hazel Loesch
Bernice Foster
Louise Johnson
Desma Renner
Dorothy Pierce
Nettie Hoffman
Pearl Logsdon
Vesta Ambler+
Ruth Blickenstaff
Ella Gardner+
Grace Johnson
Elizabeth Ralston
Gladys Challberg+
Rachel Harry
Aby Lumberry+
Edith Mitchell
Ether Peterson
Charles Wiles
Carl Gronquist
Daniel Johnson
William Carr
Richard Carroll
Mabel Pearson
Carrie Norgreen
Lydia Maunteuffel.
Tressie Leopold
Louise Lennemann
Lucille Johnson
Fern Gates
Walter Eltz+
Elmer Edwards
Mary Dunlay
Myrtle Dodge
Ruth Wallace
Leonard Carroll+
Laura McDonald
Edward Pogue
Wray Nelson
Anna Luther
Zona Hayden
Earl Stevens
William Childress
Julia Chandler
Orville Pate+
Edwin Pierce
Charles Newland
William Dunlay
Eleanore Lennemann
Mildred Brown
Joe Dunlay
Wilhelmina Loesch
Lillian Morin
Frances Strout
Innes Foster+
Paule Vahle
Joe Luther
Blanche Claypool
Louise Tripe+
Clifford Challberg
Helen Hull
Bernard Maxey
Reid Miller+
Nelle Patterson
Eva Morin
Kathryn Breithaupt+
Edna Ayers
Frances Barnes
Charles Caffrey
Mary Caffrey
Clarence Challberg
Estella Carroll
Russell Craven
William Haeker
Claude Leisure
Clyde Leisure
Abe Hunt
Ernest Lennemann
Verne Loesch
Helen Milliken
Lillie Nelson
Chloe Pate
Jennie Ruby
Orville Ruby
Hazel Silvers
Albert Strout +
Bernice Abernathy
Dora Claypool
Earl Coleman
Ellen Cross
Edna Easton
Otto Haeker
Ford McCoy
Robert Johnson
Leila Jensen
Olive Landgreen
Clarence Lideen+
Velma Newton
Zelma Newton
Leonard Oswald
Sarah Trollope
Fern Vahle
Gladys Winchell
Charles Wallace
Jerome Carroll
James Mitchell
Bertha Glammang
Orville Coady
Agnes Flammang
George Mitchell
Mildred Craven
Lillian Bose+
Pansey Decker
Laura Brandt+
Mary Pierce
John Ralston
Walter Rundle
Max Mauntueffel
Kenneth Olson
Hazel Ruby
Paul Tigard
Clara Mae Smith
Paul Watkins
Berdean Pogue
Walter Beddeo+
Ray Landgreen+
Frances Smith
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