FRANKLIN County, Nebraska Immigrant Issue





"Immigrant Issue"


Lincoln State Journal


Sunday 5 June 1887


This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and

provide the towns with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents.

Franklin is in Franklin county on the B. & .M. R.R., five miles east of Bloomington, the county seat and 24 miles west of Red cloud. It is finely located on a beautiful elevation overlooking the valley of the Republican. The population is about 700. The Franklin Academy, a good educational

institution with a competent corps of teachers, has good substantial buildings and accommodates about 100 pupils. The public school is also well provided for in a good commodious schoolhouse. Flour mills, elevations, a cheese factory, etc., afford marketing and shipping facilities for the surrounding country, while the First National Bank and the State Bank of Franklin give flexibility to the monetary affairs of the community. The Commercial is the leading hotel. The Franklin Republican, J.W. Robinson proprietor, represents the newspaper enterprise of the vicinity. The churches are the congregational and Methodist.

Austin & Dake, Genl mdse.

Austin W. H. & Co, grain elevator.

Beach, E.M., justice of the peace

Blum R., prop Valley House

Brooks S.T., harness maker

Byerly W.H., Dr., drugs

Carpenter W.B., restaurant

Chitwood Bros, grocers

Commercial Hotel, F.L. Daggett prop. (See adv.)

Daggett F.L., prop Commercial Hotel

Davis Charles II, photographer

Doher & Townsend, hardware

Edgill J.F., contractor

Erickson John, blacksmith

Finley J.W., Jeweler

Finley W.H., Dr. drugs

First National Bank, bankers

Fletcher C.P., harnessmaker

Fletcher E.A., atty

Francisco D. barber

Franklin Mills, Westerman Bros props.

Furry L E & Co, grain elevator

Gage J.D. pres. State Bank of Franklin and notary

Garrett & Cousins, meat market

Gettle Thomas, hardware

Gorham B.C. confectioner

Joselyn E, blacksmith

Lenox R., physician

Locke W. H., sta. Tel, and ex agt.

Lohff Mamie, milliner

Maser G., blacksmith

Robb M.A. grocer

Robinson J.W. editor Republican

Rice E.A.& Son, cheese factory

Schnack Peter, photographer

Smith, Edwin, barber

Smith Ira, furniture

State Bank of Franklin, capital $20,000, J.D. Gage pres, E.L. Douglass cashier

Staten J.B., jeweler

Sturgeon T. genl mdse

Valley House, R. Blum prop.

Vaughan O.M., hardware

Waldo, H.H., livery

Walsh J.A. postmaster

Wagner J.O., genl mdse.

Westerman Bros, props Franklin Mills

White Lake Lumber Co, lumber, coal

Whitmore H., atty

Wickland A., brick yard

Wilson M.A., harness maker

Wilson W.A. livery

Woelfe W. H., mason


Hildreth, a growing town on the DeWitt and Holdrege branch of the B. & M. R.R., in the northwestern part of Franklin county, about 15 miles north of Bloomington, the county seat. The Hildreth Telescope issues weekly, has a large circulation in Franklin and adjoining counties. Population, 200.

Adams A.P., drugs, W Planck mgr.

Ashby W.S., publisher Hildreth Telescope.

Barnes G.W. sta agt.

Bridges H, carpenter, contractor and builder

Campbell A.T., grain

Cook R.T., carpenter

Fairman M., hardware

Faser Geo W., livery

Fisher Robt, blacksmith

Franklin County Bank, J.P.A. Black and G.W. Sheppard props, W.H. Shahan


Freeman Samuel, meat market

Glenn & Glenn, pumps, windmills

Glenn R.A., postmaster, justice

Heitcotter & Fisher, agl implts.

Henry J.M., phys.

Hildreth House, Sam Ogle prop.

Hildreth Telescope, W.S. Ashby publisher

Hoebel Louis, grain

Howell J.B., shoemaker

Long S.D., agl implts.

McCabe, Harrington & Co, genl mdse

Neff Bros, genl mdse

Roberts John, live stock

Shields Chas, prop Shields House ins

Schoebel Aug, saloon

Trumpbell R., lumber, live stock

Williams W.A., blacksmith

Wolfe M. genl mdse.


Bloomington is located in the southern part of Franklin county, of which it is the county town, north of the Republican river, and on the republican division of the B. & M. R.R. It has a population of 1,000. There is a good court house in Bloomington, an attractive brick school house, two stories in height, which can accommodate 300 pupils. It cost $4,400. The Presbyterians have a fine church which cost $1,700. A system of water works is in operation. A

United States land office is located here for the accommodation of those acquiring titles to government lands. The banks are the Bloomington State Bank and the Franklin County Bank. The commercial is the principal hotel in Bloomington. The Bloomington Argus, H.M. Crane, publisher and the Republican Valley Echo are the lively newspapers of this locality. The churches of the place are the Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal and Lutheran.

Bauer Charles, meat market

Bloomington Argus, H.M. crane editor and pub

Bloomington State Bank, capital $500,000, C.F. McGrew pres, J.B. McGrew


Bowers G. Mrs, millinery

Braden J & Co, genl mdse

Brasel A.T., atty

Britton W.T., postmaster

Burr E.M., editor Republican Valley Echo

Cole G.R., broom mfr.

Cole Wm A., abstracter and loans

Coleman Ulrich, grocer

Commercial Hotel, A.B. Truman, prop

Cornhoo Conrad, blacksmith

Corwin G.W., billiard hall

Crane H.M., ed and pub Bloomington Argus

Feigley A.K., genl mdse.

Franklin county Bank, capital $10,000, J P A black pres, C K Hart cashier

Green Geo & Co, lumber and coal

Hansen W K, blacksmith

Hebb E., grocer

Hildreth & Co, clothing

Hisey J, meat market

Horton S C, real estate

Knepper W J, genl mdse

Lloyd W W, phys

Ludcke & Pickering, grocers

Marshall E H, real estate

Merick U H Dr, drugs

Moffatt C E, harness maker

Moore A F, atty.

Owens House, James Owens prop.

Owens James, prop Owens House

Patch A, jeweler

Patterson O T, barber

Peterson P F, banker

Republican Valley Echo, E M Burr ed and pub

Rupp Chris, saloon

Smith I V, hardware, justice

Sumner J B Dr, drugs

Tro F C, livery

Truman A B, prop Commercial Hotel

U S Land Office, E Kelly receiver

Wallin H C, billiard hall


Riverton is in the southeastern part of Franklin county, on the Republican Valley division of the B. & M. R. R., 16 miles east of Bloomington, the county seat. It has about 375 inhabitants, and is surrounded by good farming lands, where stock-raising is extensively conducted. A fine flour mill is located near here, on Thompsons creek, a stream having a considerable volume of water. There are her several churches, a bank, hotel, and newspaper, etc.

Banks H, livery

Benjamin A J, notary

Burr, E M, atty.

Carne N W & Co, millinery

Cole Wm A, real estate

Cumings W G & Co, hardware

Dare M A Mrs, millinery

Decker Geo W, flour and feed

Enos Geo, livery

Felch & Cross, restaurant

Franklin House, J F Pugsley prop

Fuller Ed, livery

Fulton & Daggett, agts, genl mdse

Gageby Wm, blacksmith

Gaskill Joseph, harnessmaker

Harsh Wm, tinner

Hunt W, barber

Hunter E, agl implts

Hunter J A, shoemaker

Lamphire Scott, sta tel and ex agt

Lindsay F H, meat market

Longtin & Dandurand, saloon

Moore T N, groceries

Outson J P, blacksmith

Pickett T J, editor Riverton Guard

Plumb F M, carpenter

Pugsley J F, prop Franklin House

Redford Oney, restaurant

Riverton Guard, T J Pickettt, editor

Riverton State Bank, E E Blake cashier

Rollins L H, justice

Rumsburg J H, drugs

Sherpherdson, Isaac, flour mill

Signor S R, postmaster

Stark R M, genl mdse

Weston A J, phys

White Lake Lumber co, M A Webb mgr, lumber etc.

Ziegler Phillip, jeweler.


Ash Grove, a postoffice in the western part of Franklin county, 12 miles north of Bloomington, the county seat.


Campbell is in the northeastern part of Franklin county, 22 miles northeast of Franklin, the county seat, and has a population of 300. The churches are Congregational, Catholic and Methodist. Societies are A. O. U. W. and G. A. R.

Aultz Wm G, blacksmith

Bartlett W H, drugs

Bourdean Z Mrs, millinery

Budlong C E, genl mdse, postmaster.

Choquette & Chavelin, saloon

Frazier W H, sta agt

Fuller M W, agl implts

Gandreault A, genl mdse

Humphrey & Battles, flour mill

Johnson F S, & Co, genl mdse

Keeney W H, drugs

Martin J K, hardware


Upland, a station on the Dewitt and Holdrege branch of the B. & M. R. R., in the northeastern part of Franklin county, 24 miles west of Blue Hill and 17 miles from Bloomington the county Seat. Population 200

Adams G M, justice

Griswold C A, postmaster, genl mdse

Griswold Martha Mrs, dressmaker

Hansen Anton, blacksmith

Henry Charles, drugs

Morman Bros, hardware

Peatring Bros, genl mdse

Shaw J F, sta agt

Upland House, hotel


Naponee, a station on the main line of the B. & M. R. R., in the southwestern part of Franklin county, six miles from Bloomington, the county seat. Population, 200

Beudel C E, agl implts

Chubb D P, agl implts

Goodale C H, blacksmith

Harpole C H, sta agt

Hirsh & Widener, blacksmiths

Hobbs John A, justice

Moffett C R, harnessmaker

Moore Zillie, millinery

Ray J S, postmaster, genl mdse

Stimple C D, justice

Thomas T G, hardware

Vanatta R H, genl mdse

Wilt & Polly, flour mill


Moline, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Franklin county, 18 miles north of Bloomington.


Locust, a postoffice in the northwestern part of Franklin county, 14 miles from Bloomington, the county seat.


Gishmiller W C, justice

Howell J B, postmaster


Macon, a small village in the center of Franklin county, 12 miles north of Bloomington, the county seat. Population, 80.

Behrens S S, justice

Garrett J H, blacksmith

McEleree F M, drugs

Moore A M, postmaster

Moore Thos, genl mdse

Scribner G S, blacksmith

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