Bloomington Public School
Bloomington, Franklin County, Nebraska
List of articles deposited in the corner stone of the Public School Building at Bloomington, Nebraska May 16, 1925
Transcribed from the original typed paper found in the Bloomington Masonic Lodge book.
May 16, 1925
Holy Bible.
Copy of Law of Free masonry in Nebraska.
Copy of Law of Royal Arch Masonry in Nebraska.
Copy of Law of Cryptic Masonry in Nebraska.
Copy of Law of Grand Commandery, K.T. in Nebraska.
Copy of proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Copy of proceedings of Royal Arch Masonry in Nebr.
Copy of proceedings ofCryptic Masonry in Nebraska.
Copy of proceedings of the Grand Commandery in Neb.
Copy of Rules and Regulations and list of officers of the Nebraska Masonic Home.
Roster Nebraska Veterans Associations.
Copy of Law of the Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star in Nebraska.
Copy of proceedings of the Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star.
Photograph of M.W. Geo. W. Lininger, P.G.M., P.G.H.P.
P.G.C, and First President of the Nebraska
Masonic Home and of Grand Measter Robert M. Dickson.
Other Deposits.
By Laws of the Lodge.
By Loaws of the Chapter O.E.S.
Names of the officers of the School Board.
Names of the officers and Treachers in the School.
Copy of the Advocate Tribune.
One silver dollar Date 1922.
One street car fare Omaha.
Signed: Robert M. Dickson, Grand Master
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Updated 07/08