Colfax Co. - Looking Back (Apr-Jun 1952) NEGenWeb Project
Looking Back At The World (April - June 1952)
By The Leigh World
Colfax County, Nebraska

The Leigh World publishes a weekly column entitled Looking Back at the World, which is comprised of articles taken from earlier Leigh World files. A special thank you to the Leigh World for allowing me to reprint those articles. The following are selections from that column:

April 3, 1952 - reprinted January 11, 2006

Relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Maliha on Friday evenng to help their son, Donald celebrate his second birthday. The evening was spent at visiting.     Those present for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maliha and Joe, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mullenhoff, Gladys and Chares, Mrs. Carl Mullenhoff, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Deichmann, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Korte, Ruth and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoskinson and MIchael, Dwain Freiberg of Stanton, and hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Maliha, Donald and Nancy.

Mrs. Lizzie Aukerman, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Botsch and Myrna Rae and Mr. and Mrs. George Botsch drove to Lincoln on Saturday where they attended the funeral services held for Mrs. Orie Roberts.     Mrs. Roberts is the sister of the late Mr. Aukerman. Mrs. Walters has always lived in Lincoln. However, many Leigh folks will remember her as she stayed all winter at the Aukerman home 15 years ago when her brother was still living, and thereby made the acquaintance of many Leigh folks.     Mrs. Roberts had reached the age of 84 years and passed away after six weeks in a Lincoln hospital following a fall, breaking her hop. Two daughters and three grandchildren survive her. Her husband passed away 26 years ago.     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Kuhle also attended the funeral and Mrs. Aukerman returned to their home for a short visit before returning to Leigh Saturday evening.

As a result of last week's election, Joe Horak of Clarkson and Lad H. Krula of Schuyler were elected to the board of supervisors of the Colfax soil Conservation District. Mr. Horak has served on the board since the district was organized in 1945. Mr. Krula will be serving his first term. Both are enthusiastic boosters of soil and water conservation and make extensive sue of conservation practices on their farms. Other members of the five man board are Edwin Novotny, Clarkson; George C. Novotny, Schuyler; and Bohous Cada of Clarkson.     The supervisors decided recently to sell the small tractor and terracing equipment owned by the district. The decision to sell was prompted by a declining demand for the services of this machine. Most farmers want a faster and more efficient method of terrace building.     The district received a new soil sampler last week through the courtesy of Hamata Brothers, Oliver dealers in Schuyler.

On Thursday, relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muhle, in honor of their 58th wedding anniversary. A lunch brought by the guests was served at a late hour following a social evening. Many more happily wedded years were wished for the couple.     Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Muhle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Muhle and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Muhle and Leonard of Richland, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engelbart, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Cattau and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johannes, Nancy and Marvin of Platte Center, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moeller, Bernestine and Galyn of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Beck and Adolph Muhle.

The delightful voice recital presented by Beverly Loseke Sunday afternoon at St. Peter's Lutheran church wa well attended and enjoyed.     Miss Loseke, a sutdent under Mrs. Churchlll, sang 12 numbers, varying in style.     Between Miss Loseke's numbers, Kathleen Walter and Edna Osterthun sang a duet, Roxanne Churchill and Edna Osterthun sang a duet, Roxanne Churchill and Edna Osterthun each sang a solo.     Charisma Churchill was the accompanist for Miss Loseke.

Spring didn't get a very good start with "old man winter" coming through with a real blizzard on the second day of spring. The storm was rough on livestock even though the temperature wasn't very low. It now appears that there will be very little early oats, if any, plated in the state this year. The major concern now will be over floods if the snow should melt too rapidly, and we certainly hope it doesn't.

Larry Rynearson is home enjoying Spring vacation from college duties. On Sunday, he helped conduct their services at Zion LUtheran church performing an admirable job, it was reported. He does not have to return to the seminary until April 17.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Belohrad and Gary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Semrad in Schuyler, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Skoda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myrten Wiebold in Madison, Sunday.

Harold Wiechen enlisted in the Air Force at Norfolk on last Wednesday. Harold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wiechen of Leigh.

The one dozen eggs that Mrs. Charles Krafka took to Madison and entered in the Big Egg contest which closed Saturday, took First Prize.     These eggs were laid by her flock of white leghorns, and weighed 1157 grams.

The third annual Masonic Eastern Star Frolic will be held at the Oak Ballroom on Friday, May 9.     Tangier Shrine Rangers, a musical group featuring hill billy music, a film, a ham dinner, and a dance are the principal items on the evening's entertainment.     The event has drawn several hundred Masons and Eastern Stars and their wives and husbands in their previous attractions, from a wide area around Schuyler.     The Frolic committee is again headed by Fred P. Fulmer, chairman of the general committee, Godfrey Machal, treasurer; Frank E. Stibal, Emil Jindra and Art Grier, ticket committee; Dr. H.D. Myers, dinner committee chairman; and Kermit Wagner and L.F. Reinecke, entertainment committee co-chairmen.

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