Colfax Co. - Do You Remember (Feb, 1937) NEGenWeb Project
DO YOU REMEMBER (February, 1937)
By The Howells Journal
Colfax County, Nebraska

The Howells Journal publishes a weekly column entitled "Do You Remember" compiled by Myra Langhorst and taken from earlier Journal files. A special thank you to Ramonyca Hanel Brown for retyping these articles and to the Howells Journal for allowing us to put them online!

Friday, February 26, 1937 - reprinted February 10, 2010

Madison is Winner - The Howells Hoopsters showed Madison High, a class A team, a very interesting game of basketball on their home floor Friday night, which resulted in a score of 26 to 30 in their favor. During the first half of the game Madison led Howells by 8 points. It seemed that Howells could not convert their shot, probably due to poor lighting. Madison was outplayed during the second half of the game, but Howells had a hard time getting through their defense. Captain Lodes was the outstanding Howells player, playing an exceptional offense as well as defense game. He was also high point man. Playing for Howells were: Novak, Svoboda, Johnson, Baumert, Lodes, Mestl and Luxa.

Clarkson is Defeated - The Howells Cubs motored to Clarkson Tuesday after school to enter into a cage tilt with the Clarkson Midgets, which resulted in a score of 10 to 16 in favor of the Cubs. It was a struggle all the way through. The players were changed throughout the entire game. At the half the score was 10 to 2 in favor of Clarkson, but our boys came back very strong to overcome them, bringing the victory back home. Each player put forth his best efforts. Mohr, Pimper and Janata of the Cubs played exceptionally well. Arlington Svoboda was high point man for Howells having four field goals to his credit. The high point man for Clarkson was Svoboda. Clarkson will return the game Tuesday, March 2.

Preparations are Underway for Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration - Chairman L.R. Coufal Announces Committee Appointments, Local Enthusiasm is Evident - The Village of Howells was incorporated in August 1887 and preparations are now underway for a Fiftieth Anniversary celebration which will be the biggest and most elaborate entertainment ever presented in the history of Howells. A committee to lay plans for the affair was appointed by the Community Club. The committee called a meeting at the city hall Tuesday evening and selected L.R. Coufal as chairman of the general committee and placed him in charge of the golden jubilee celebration. Mr. Coufal was empowered to name committee members and committee chairmen, and later to serve with him. The appointments are as follows: General Committee - L.R. Coufal, chairman, Henry Baumert, Emil E. Brodecky, Jos. E. Sindelar, Jos. A. Novak, Geo T. Fiala, Paul R. Busch, Dr. A.F. Sixta, P.J. Kulhanek. Marshall of the Day - Frank J. Prucha. Parade and Floats - General committee as a whole. Reception Committee - Emil E. Brodecky, chairman, Mrs. Bessie Folda, Mrs. Agnes Bogner, Jos. K. Suchan. Music - J.E. Sindelar, chairman, Dr. H.D. Myers, James A. Drahota, John T. Mestl. Entertainment - Jos A. Novak, chairman, Joe A. Kuzelka, E.A. Stangel, Dr. W.F. Novak. Relics and Old Articles - Geo. T. Fiala, chairman, Frank Tillman, Joseph Drahota, J.H. Wragge. Data, History and Printing - Paul R. Busch, chairman, Mrs. H.E. Phelps, Wm. Kovar, George Lodes. Publicity - Dr. A.F. Sixta, chairman, Ernest Prucha, Mark Williams, Dr. J.F. Palensky. Window Displays, Street Lighting and Decorating - P.J. Kulhanek, chairman, Wilmer Pittack, Jos. F. Blazek, Red Verba. Concessions and Sports - Henry Baumert, chairman, Milo C. Blazek, Dr. A.P. Mohr, Edward Vesely, R.J. Studnicka. At the Tuesday meeting a committee was appointed to wait on the town board and discuss with them the problem of financing the celebration, with the idea in mind that the affair should be self-supporting, but that the village should underwrite it against possible losses.

Community Park Proposal Made - The bondholders of the Howells Ballroom and the committee in charge of it held a business meeting at the city hall Monday evening. Joe A. Novak presided, Jos. G. Stangel served as secretary, and Lloyd L. Pospishil of Schuyler was present. Problems of general interest were discussed and the committee made a report on the activities connected with the Ballroom. By almost unanimous consent the meeting the meeting endorsed a proposal that the Village of Howells find a suitable location and purchase property to be used as recreation grounds and park. To make this possible a bond issue will be necessary, and a committee will wait upon the town board at the meeting of that body next. Monday evening with a request that a special bond election be held as soon as convenient to raise the necessary money for the purchase of a park site.

Howells Legion Post Receives Award for Service to Community - County Commander B.A. Pickhinke, in company with Commander Chas. Novotny of the post at Clarkson, attended an American Legion conference at Grand Island Tuesday. It was a gathering of post commanders and adjutants to outline a program of post activities for the coming summer, and a most interesting session was had according to Mr. Pickhinke. State Commander Harry Colmley was present and took advantage of the opportunity to inform Mr.. Pickhinke that the Howells post of which he is commander won the Distinguished Community Service citation in the state awards. Thus has a decided honor come to the local post.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Prucha accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Peitzmeier, were Omaha visitors Tuesday. While in the city Mr. Prucha inspected the new RCA radios.

Gilbert Mestle and family are moving their household belongings to Dodge this week where Mr. Mestle has engaged in the trucking business. Mrs. James Karl and Mrs. Geo. Peitzmeier of this place assisted them with preparations for moving Tuesday.

Repairing and altering, cleaning and pressing of ladies' and men's clothing. Broz Tailor Shop.

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