Colfax Co. - Peeking into the Past (Jan, 1906) NEGenWeb Project
By The Colfax County Press
Colfax County, Nebraska

The Colfax County Press publishes a weekly column entitled Peeking into the Past, which is comprised of articles taken from earlier Colfax County Press files, written by Helen C. Evans. A special thank you to the Colfax County Press for allowing me to reprint those articles! The following are selections from that column:

January 16, 1906 - reprinted August 19, 1981

Word comes from Omaha that Adolph Houfek, who underwent an operation at St. Joseph hospital that he has favorable chance for recovery.

Clarkson public school students who have not been absent nor tardy for the first 4 months of school were: Josie Kubik, Theodore Kubik, Lad Kubik, Wm. Karel, Joseph Fillipi, Alois Tomes, Matilda Tomes, Emma Storek, Joseph Jadrny, Leonard Noh, Willie Severa, Hedvicka Koci, Silve Sobeslavsky, Lamar Folda, Stanley Kubik, Vencl Koryta, Kalixta Koryta, Libbie Slama, Martha Bukacek and Lily Suchy.

January 30, 1906 - reprinted September 9, 1981

About 800 head of cattle have been shipped in from the south by the Bilky ranch people the past week.

After a life’s journey of more than 95 years, Mrs. Katherina Kraus died Jan 23, after many years of helplessness. She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Ternes, following the death of her husband, John Kraus.

Clarkson has a nursery, Joseph Hanel, who is the local agent for the Arlington Nurseries, will start a nursery on 6 ˝ acres he owns east of town.

Wm. Hoffman brought word to Clarkson that a party of railroad surveyors were in camp at Wells over Sunday. They are said to have been sent out by the Great Northern to survey a line from Nickerson to Albion. They came up the Maple Creek valley to the Irish settlement, and from there up Dry Creek to the Wells post office and thence northwest into Platte County. Beyond a doubt much railroad work will be done in Nebraska in 1906, but whether or not there will be another road through Colfax County remains to be seen.

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