Harlan County Kentucky

State Coordinator:
Jeff Kemp
member of
Sturgill Harlan County Coordinator
If you have transcribed files
pertaining to Harlan County that you would like to donate to
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contact Vickie
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Department for
Public Health
Office of Vital Statistics
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
(502) 564-4212
County Origins
Harlan County was formed
in 1819 from a portion of Knox County. In 1842 it lost a small portion
at the northeast end to the formation
Letcher County. It remained the
same size until 1867, shortly after the Civil War, when a western
of the county was taken
to become the eastern half of Bell County.
In 1878, part of the northern section of the county was joined to parts
of Clay and
Counties to become Leslie County.
| Births
| Deaths
| Court, Deeds, Tax Lists
| Military
Cemeteries, Burials
| Sunshine, Ky Harlan Daily Enterprise
Photo List
| Bios, Articles, Family Files, Etc. Pitsol Battle, Riley Ball Dead 1922 Harlan Co News Artilcles
1924 Articles, Harlan Enterprise 1925 Articles, Feb 6 Harlan Enterprise 1925 Articles, Feb 13 Harlan Enterprise Garland Beal Kills Taylor Brock Turner Howard Feud Rev. Ed Banks John Burkhart and John Gross Kentucky Tragedy Chester Howard Death Edward Pace Death
Teachers in Harlan, 1924 George Eager Will Nolin Kills the Turners Hiram Noe Dillard Johnson Kills Howard and Neal KKK at Brookside 1927 Murder of John Blanton Farley Family Bible
Coal Mines
Harlan Miners Memorial Monument
by Steve Dunn
Coal Mines in Harlan
Bardo Coal Miners, 1940
Official Harlan
County Kentucky KYGenWeb site, a member of the USGenWeb Project
©2020 KyGenWeb, designed and maintained by County Coordinator Vickie Sturgill