Captain Zerah W Torrey

Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 23 August 1898, page 7

Captain Z W Torrey, of the Sixth, who was wounded at Santiago and is at Ft. Thomas, yesterday received orders to take charge of the barracks at Columbus, Ohio, where he will succeed Lieutenant Watson, of the Ninth Infantry.

He will leave for that point at once. Yesterday he entertained Surgeon Heyl, who was wounded at Santiago. Surgeon Heyl is a nephew of Assistant Adjutant General Heyl.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 April 1904, page 8

Major Zerah W Torrey, formerly of the Sixth and for several years Quartermaster at Ft Thomas, now on duty with the Twenty-fourth Infantry, has been appointed President of the Board of Officers, convened at Ft Missoula, Mont. for the examination of officers for promotion.


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