William M White

Cincinnati Enquirer, 24 March 1879, page 6


At a meeting of the members of the Bar of Campbell County, held at the Court house in Alexandria on the 18th of March, 1879, on the death of William M White, the Hon J S Boyd, was called to the chair, with Hon Ben Beall as Secretary. A committee on Resolutions was appointed, consisting of Messrs. R T Baker, E W Hawkins, Edward Reiley, T P Makibben, and W B Baker, Esqs.

The meeting then adjourned until Wednesday morning, March 19th, when the Committee reported resolution.

Resolved, That it has been but a few days since one of our number, who had lived well on toward his three score years and ten, was suddenly taken from our midst, and no again so soon we are called upon to mourn the loss of one of our young men, a member of the bar, one you had grown up from infancy to early manhood among us, and who has endeared himself to use by his kindness, generous and high moral qualities and integrity of character.

William M White, although dying so young, lived long enough to commend his life as worthy of remembrance and example. We feel in our young brother's death that the people among whom he moved and the Campbell  County Bar has sustained a loss whose place it will be difficult to supply. In his preparatory courses he bore off the first honors of his class and subsequently gave promise of high standing as a man of ability and success in his position.


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