William Tappmeier

Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 March 1877, page 7


BOY KILLED BY A FALLING WALL-A fatal accident happened yesterday evening between five and six o'clock to a boy sixteen years of age named William Tappmeier, son of George Tappmeier, who lives a few miles out in the country.

He was loading a cart in the cellar on the premises of Philip Hammel, No 198 Monmouth street, near Ringgold street, when the cellar wall of J B Lock, adjoining, fell and before the unfortunate youth could make his escape he was covered with the ruins. He was taken out of the debris and carried into Hammel's house, where medical aid was summoned and tried, but in vain.

No bones were broken but such serious internal injuries ensued that the young fellow died between eight and nine o'clock last night. Coroner Winston held an inquest and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the above facts.


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