Pilot William Phillips

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday 3 January 1860, page 4

Mr. William Phillips, one of the pilots of the Melnotte, died in Memphis a few days since. The deceased was an exemplary young man and leaves an aged mother in Newport Ky. to mourn his loss.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Sunday, 8 January 1860, page 3


We were somewhat startled yesterday morning with the remark made by one of our citizens, that there were four "river men" residents of this city, dead and preparing for burial. The remains of William Phillips arrived here, also, yesterday morning.  We learn that he died while on his way to New Orleans.

His funeral will take place today, in which the Odd Fellows will take a part.


Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Monday, 23 January 1860, page 4

The remains of the late William Phillips, the pilot who died on the Melnotte, have arrived here. The funeral will take place today at 2 pm from the residence of the mother in Newport. The members of the Cincinnati and New Orleans Pilot Association are requested to attend without further notice.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 24 January 1860, page 4

The remains of the late Mr. Phillips, the pilot who died on the Melnotte, were interred in Newport yesterday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended by the steamboat profession including members of the Cincinnati and New Orleans Pilots Associations. The colors of the steamers in port were at half mast, in respect to the deceased. The Melnotte discharged 200 tons of sugar and molasses here and receives 200 tons additional from the Argyle. The Melnott's shaft will be fully repaired today and she will depart tomorrow for Pittsburgh.


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