William McNaughtin

Deed Book D-2, page 106, 23 March 1818, Recorded 23 March 1818
located at Alexandria, Kentucky

Wm McNaughtin of Campbell County and State of Kentucky and Catharine, his wife for and in consideration of the sum of $70 to them in hand paid by John McClure of the same County and State sells All that certain tract of land containing 160 acres being the north west quarter of section eight of Township 14 in range 8 east in the tract appropriated by an "Act of Congress for Military bounties in the Territory of Illinois" (of which the said Wm McNaughtin became seized by patent from the General Land Office of the United States bearing date the 20th day of January A.D. 1818 and under the hand and seal of James Monroe President of the United States) reference thereto being had will more fully appear.

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