William Schraffenberger

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1903, page 5


The funeral of William Schraffenberger, whose death occurred Tuesday night, will take place Friday afternoon from the home on Center Street, Newport. The funeral services will be in charge of Newport Acrie, Order of Eagles and the Knights of Fidelity. The Phoenix Club will also attend in a body.

Newport Eagles held a special meeting Wednesday night and took action on his death. The Aerie decided to attend in a body and will meet at Third and Saratoga Streets at 1 o'clock.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 July 1903, page 5

The funeral of William Schraffenberger, popular in Newport, took place Friday afternoon from the home in Bellevue at 2 pm. It was large and several lodges, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body. Newport Aerie, FOE; Knights of Fidelity and the Phoenix Club, of which organizations he as a member.

Rev Mr. Whitehead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Jack Leahey and Charles Crentz of the Eagles; Peter Ampler and Peter Bohart of the Phoenix Club and Matt Berry, Otto Federle, Henry Able and Jim Newman of the Knights of Fidelity.


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