William Locke Smith


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 September 1895, page 6


Death of Colonel Smith

Colonel William Locke Smith, whose critical condition was briefly mentioned in the Enquirer died yesterday morning at his home 563 East Third street, from the effects of injuries sustained last week by a fall down a flight of stairs.

The deceased was known through the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  Prior to his removal to Newport, Colonel Smith lived in Bellevue.  He was formerly State Superintendent of Public Education in Michigan, and his book on elementary education of music is still in use in all the public schools of that state.  He possessed a master mind, cultured to the highest possible attainment and was much sought by men of learning.

Colonel Smith was traveling solicitor for the Pettibone Manufacturing Company until that company assigned.  His business brought him in constant and close communication with lodge people and he was a member of nearly all the secret societies.  it is known that he belonged to the Elks, Masons, K of P Odd Fellows, Ancient Order of Ermenic Knights, the Maccabees, Royal Areanum and Redmen.

When the Pettibone Manufacturing Company assigned Colonel Smith embarked in journalism He purchased a controlling interest the Knight Errant, a monthly publication devoted to the interests and the propagation of Pythians.  he was editor of the journal at the time of his death.

Colonel Smith was an Indianan by birth, first meeting the light of day in the Hoosier State 61 years ago.  He leaves a wife and four children, Ernest, Grace, Ralph and Rose.  The funeral service will be according to the ritual of the Masonic order.  Robert Burns Lodge, F and A M having charge.

All arragements have not been completed, but Dr. Rawlins, of Indiana, and associate editor of the Christian Advocate will preach a funeral oration.


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