William F Wiebe

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 20 November 1905, page 7


With but a few seconds warning William F Wiebe, 53, for 11 years general delivery clerk at the Newport Post office, was called to meet his Maker yesterday morning shortly before 11 am, while in attendance upon the Sunday School of Grace M E Church, of which congregation he was a an active member.

So sudden was his death that the meeting was thrown into intense excitement, and for a time confusion reigned. Mr. Wiebe had been enjoying his usual good health and worked as usual at the post office on Saturday. Yesterday morning he arose, dressed and went to the Church to take part in the Sunday school exercises. He took a seat next to a Mr. Metcalfe showing no signs of illness. Toward the latter part of the services, when the contributions enveloped were passed around, Mr. Wiebe said to Mr. Metcalf that it was with great difficulty that he could see what he was doing. A few seconds later his head rolled to one side, he gasped and then those near him noticed that he ws mortally ill.

Messengers were sent out to secure medical attendance and Mr. Wiebe was carried into the study of Pastor Luce. When Dr. Claude Youtsey and Dr. Frank Locke arrived it was seen that he was past medical aide and death ensuing with a few seconds. Funeral Director Smith was then notified and the remains were sent to the family residence at 935 Washington avenue.

Mr. Wiebe was one of Newport's most respected citizens. He was known to every man, woman and child who visited the Newport Post office and was well liked by the fellow members of his craft. He has resided in Newport for many years and leaves a wife, one daughter and a son. He was a member of the Maccabees and the Tribe of Ben Hur, which lodges will be represented at the funeral. He also belonged to the Postal Clerks' Association, the local lodge of which will take action on his death today. Death was due to cardiac paralysis.

The funeral of William Wiebe will take place Wednesday, with services at 2 pm. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


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