Colonel William Whistler

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 18 June 1861, page 3


A MILITARY VETERAN-Colonel William Whistler, the senior Colonel in the United States Army, was seventy-nine years of age on Sunday last. He entered the army as a Lieutenant on the 8th of June 1801; has served sixty-nine years an seven days. Of the first fifty two years he was on duty fifty one years and four months, having only had eight months leave of absence during that time. Served actively in the War of 1812; commanded a regiment in the Florida War, and went twice to Mexico during that war in command of his regiment.

Married at nineteen years of age and Mrs. Colonel Whistler, the mother of ten children, is as active as most ladies of twenty. They both say they are ready to die in defense of the Stars and Stripes. May they live to see the Union preserved, with the Constitution unimpaired and the old glorious flag floating over a united and happy people.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 21 June 1862, page 3


PERSONAL-We are pleased to state that the venerable Colonel Whistler is rapidly recovering from the effects of his late fall.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, December 5, 1863 page 3


DEATH OF A VETERAN SOLDIER-Colonel William Whistler, one of the oldest officers in the regular army of the United States, died at his residence on York-street, above Ringgold yesterday morning.  Deceased was about eighty years old.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, December 8, 1863 page 3

FUNERAL OF COLONEL WHISTLER-The late Colonel Whistler will be buried this morning at 9 o'clock with military and civil honors.


Colonel Whistler was originally buried in Bishop's Cemetery but later was removed by his wife to the Helm lot at Evergreen Cemetery. He was born 3 Dec 1780 in Hagerstown, Maryland. He married Julia Fearson 30 May 1802 in Detroit Michigan.


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