William Thompson Pension


Virginia Pension #R.10563

On November 26, 1833 in Campbell County, Kentucky the said pensioner at the age of 66 years, appeared in open court and upon oath stated and swore that he had entered the service of his country while at ware with Great Britain, when he was at the age of 15 years. He had volunteered to serve in the company under the command of Captain Baker Ewing and in the regiment under the command of Colonel John Logan and Sergeant John Sconce. They then rendezvoused at Pitts Station on the Green River on February 1, 1782 and they then marched to the Cumberland River to Price’s Cabin for a tour of one year duration.

He took his command at what was called "Bloody Pond". From there they then marched to Saratoga in the Brigade under the command of General Gates and there they took the British Commander Burgoyne. He wintered at Albany in the state of New York in the year 1777 in the company of the aforesaid captain and in the regiment under the command of Colonel James Livingston.

The information ends here and is incomplete.

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