William Theis

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 August 1866, page 3

ACCIDENTALLY SHOT-A German named William Theis was shot and dangerously wounded on York street between Jefferson and Mayo, in Newport, about ten o'clock on Monday night, under the following circumstances.

Two policemen, named Taylor and Volce, were chasing a couple of young men whom they wished to arrest on the charge of stealing, up York street, and when just above Jefferson, Volce stumbled and fell upon the pavement, his pistol, which was in his hand, going off at the same time.

The ball took effect in the body of Theis, who was walking along just ahead of Volce, producing a wound from which it is feared he cannot recover. The policeman surrendered himself to the Jailor and is now in custody of that offical; awaiting the result of Theis' wound.


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