William Richard Taliaferro

Deed Book H, page 498 Recorded 20 July 1831

Deed made 20 July 1831 between William Richard Taliaferro and Alcy Taliaferro his wife of the County of Campbell of the one part, and Richard Southgate of the town of Newport of the other part. William and Alcy in consideration of $218.90 paid October 3, 1826 by the said Richard sells all that certain tract of land situated in the County of Campbell on the Ohio River containing 27 acres, 58 poles being part of a certain tract of land containing 124 acres 3 roods and 35 poles which was alloted to the above names Alcy Taliaferro as one of the children of Washington Berry, deceased.

Signed William R Taliaferro, Alice T Taliaferro


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